5 Countries in One Day in All Good Things

  • March 18, 2015, 7:07 p.m.
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Only in Europe! Yesterday I travelled from England to Holland via France, Belgium and Germany, and today I reversed the trip, then scuttled up Chelmsford this evening. Both trips were to see dancer friends of mine, one performing (last night) and the other’s opening night of a piece he choreographed (this evening).

I didn’t know it was possible to go to five different countries in a single day. And I stopped in all of them too, and breathed the air and walked around, had a meal or two, all while trying to keep track of which language I needed to fumble along in. Thank God for the euro, at least.

The past week has been incredibly special: S in Brighton and Holland, CM tonight (hadn’t seen him since December, so it was wonderful to catch up), plus three fantastic days in Cardiff for the end of the Scissorhands tour, a much happier ending than SL in Milan, filled with laughter and love and sharing and joy.

Tomorrow I have to return to the real world. I’m doing a job in the evening for the Mayor of London, some Q&A deal. I’d say I’m dreading it, but I’m too happy to let it bother me. If it’s awful, so what? It’ll be over in two hours, and then after Friday in court, on Saturday I’m off to Sheffield to reunite with a completely different group of dancer friends. The fun never ends!

Didn’t I say something once about wanting to travel less....?

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