the open gate in Book of Lies.....

  • March 18, 2015, 3 p.m.
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gothic girl photo: Gothic Girl Butterfly_33561308.jpg
Me thinks the book of lies is due for a bloggity.

When we write instead of just ponder the world we reflect on our thoughts. Do we finalize our thoughts or edit them? Others shall read them. Will they condemn or encourage? Do we take our inner most being and morph it into a shell of ourselves?
gothic girl photo: gothic beauty GothicBeauty-1.jpg
Is our gate open or closed? I found myself deleting two or three sentences of a comment today. It wasn’t poor grammer or disappointing spelling. I edited myself. I became less. I painted over myself and did not let you look into my eyes. If you do not say all you feel do you lie? Should we be happy with what truth is given and the rest forgiven.
gothic girl photo:  tyh.jpg
I stand in the shadows and pretend you see me but it is my own shadow that darkens my truths. My half truths pollute the truths of others who rely on the honesty of the words. A gate is an invitation to enter otherwise it would merely be a wall or fence. A way in.
gothic gate photo: Gate CORELopenDoor-1.jpg
We fear the words that bind us together. Intimacy is to be feared as it opens a gate that feels like will never close.
Having a wonderful time…wish you were here....
lonely photo: Lonely WithOut You lonely.jpg

Last updated March 18, 2015

Deleted user March 18, 2015

Beautiful. Especially the second to last one.

Deleted user March 19, 2015

Very nice pix as always....opening the gate to me is letting someone in our heart :)

Waiting For Sunrise March 20, 2015

I love this, although the questions, like all important ones, are hard to answer in only one way. Personally, I do not think that editing yourself, whether in your own writing or in response to another's, is necessarily an absence of honesty or a lie of omission... exactly what we are willing to share, and the way that we phrase it, is as much a true part of ourselves as the actual words we give away... our personal boundaries, interpretations and obscurities of expression are part of our definition of self...

The first way we could say something is not necessarily the best, most accurate, or even most honest way to do so... it is merely the surface of a whirlpool of thought processes, and anything beneath the surface can easily be just as true, or valuable, as the top layer. Editing oneself only echoes the process of thinking or feeling; it is not a single moment but a continuum..

invisible ink Waiting For Sunrise ⋅ March 20, 2015

Interesting your comments which I find almost inspirational.... is you were the person I edited myself with altho for the life of me a cannot recall what I erased.

When I post such things it truly is to get dialog going whether silent or posted. that's why there are questions instead of statements for many of the above. Your response was great and spot on as far as I am concerned....

Hard to answer in only one way and different or opposing answers can both be plausible as it pertains to each individual....

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