Neurology Appointment/Twilight Zone in Friends With the Benedicts

  • March 18, 2015, 12:36 a.m.
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OK, so this is gonna be a long one, so strap in if you care about my Neuro results from today’s appointment. lol Here are my questions answered:
1. Can thwy prescribe me the Abilify I have been taking and having great results with? I had decided to forego asking my GP for the rx since she would prolly just say no. She did kinda gimme a stern “talkin to” about taking it before it was prescribed and taking someone elses rx, but overall she was pleased with my results, because really, in the end, you can’t argue with results. lol. So I think they are gonna call that in for me at the very least. I dunno, that part of the appt. gets a little murky. I am sure my Mom would agree. Yep, Mommy came with me. smile emoticon I drove the truck, (soo stressful! lol At one point, my stepdad was fucking with us and was in the same area and on the phone with my Mom at the time. He pulled off the side of the road, and when I passed him, made me slow down so he could get in front of me and lead me. Ass! LOL
2. Have I or have I not moved into Secondary Progressive? And no, there is no evidence on the new MRI compared to the old one to show that I have!!! smile emoticon smile emoticon YAAY! In fact, she said that there appear to be NO new lesions at all! Of course that does make one wonder why all of a sudden I am having all these new symptoms, and believe me, I was trying to think of things to ask. I get pretty flustered during appointments because I am tying to remember what they have just said while trying to think of what to ask next. I had made a very basic list of questions on my lappy, but of course we didn’t bring that. So anyway, my next question was one I have been asking since November of 2012: did I actually ever have a stroke or TIA? Apparently if I had, it would always show up in one form or another on the MRI. She said, based on what she saw, that it does NOT look like I have EVER had a stroke before. ::blink blink:: I have got to let this sink in a little more I think. For so long, I have believed that this was a truth in my life and to be told that no, sorry, we were wrong, is like, weird doesn’t begin to cover it. lol. I mean of course I am overjoyed! But yall know what I mean…
3. I asked her if they could continue my Baclofen rx that the hospital gave me, which of course she said yes to. So, that’s good. smile emoticon
4. I did ask for Xanax. But since we live in the Narcotic Nazi State of the US, she said it was unlikely he would say yes. I expected that. When we left, (after she left us waiting in the room for I swear close to an hour! My Mom had to postpone bringing her papers to the cancer doc because of it, then they said no when she asked if they would fax them!) she came in and asked which pharmacy I used and I told her. I later called after they had way been closed, and nothing had been called in to either pharmacy they have on file. So I have no idea. That’s why I say it was confusing. Annnd now I am home and I left my book that had all the 2nd list of questions I had written in it at my Mom’s and I can’t remember. Let’s see.. I just looked at the list that I originally made on my lappy, and I did NOT ask her about any assisted devices, why my muscles are acting like a freaking vice grip, and if the exercycle would help with it any. Whatevs. I got a lot of answers and that’s what we wanted. It was a very weird appointment tho. The name of the woman I saw was Stephanie, and she was very nice. OH! And she pretty much said my Mom’s finger she jammed a while back is probably broken. I knew it. lol. It doesn’t hurt her very much, and of course it took a back burner to the cancer. lol OK, well I guess this is long enough. If I can remember anything else or maybe if my Mom can, then I will update it. LOL. Damn memory.

*OH! And she said she was gonna increase my Gabapentin. Of course, at this point, who knows when and where it will be sent to! lol


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