NJM-13 in NoJoMo13
- Nov. 14, 2013, 12:58 a.m.
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I am at a bit of a loss lately for entry ideas. Today's NJM prompt didn't really grab me. I don't know...when I think back on big disappointments, none of them feel like blessings in disguise, so I really can't write about that.
The truth is, I am in a bit of a rough spot right now. I haz a sad. There, I said it. Ugh.
I am not one to dwell on such things. I've found that they pass eventually and they pass quicker when I don't dwell on them. I prefer, instead, to think about good things. Sooo, tonight, I'm going to list five blessings in my life right now.
1) Anna. I am so very blessed to have such a happy, healthy child. Oh, excuse me, YOUNG WOMAN. I don't know that I will ever look at her and see anything but my baby, though, no matter how old she becomes. She is a great kid and I love her more than I can adequately describe.
2) My other kids, Jordan, Kevin, and Audrey. They live close enough that I get to spend a good bit of time with them and their families. I am so proud of the adults they have grown into, and love them far more than they can imagine.
3) My grandgirlies. Shelbi, Lea, Adrianne, Callie, Zoe, and Kora are precious gifts and wonderful balms for my soul. I treasure every moment I get to spend with them.
3) My sister, Donna. Since I've moved back to Memphis, she and I have gotten much closer. Her health issues scare me, and I worry that we won't be old ladies together, but I intend to enjoy the time we have, now.
4) My other siblings, Bryan, Steve, and Michelle. They all live close enough that we can get together from time to time. They are my oldest friends and they know where all our family skeletons are buried. It is so good to have so many with whom to play "remember the time..."!
5) My lover. He is good to me and good for me in ways that I never realized were possible.
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