Is this Week Over Yet? in The Past

  • March 20, 2015, 3:41 p.m.
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Chainmaile’s not going too well… I’ve been getting discouraged (Although I love you all for offering to help! Beware or you’ll get packages of rings with a note saying “Open and return in pre-paid box” along with two pairs of pliers. Hehehe). That’s going to hopefully change today… I’m going to Maili’s house and going to work as hard as I can on things. I need motivation though, something other than Maili getting me annoyed.

I need to buy more clips for my large flowers and actually spend time gluing the flowers to the magnets and clips. Oh, I need to order more magnets too. Fuuun! I don’t have the money for those though. I might end up only taking 50 flower magnets of each size. If that. I still don’t know if the small magnets will work. There is an etsy here in WA that has the same size magnets that I had for the large flowers, they’re about 3.00 more than the other set, but I could get them a lot faster. Maybe next week if I have the money, I’ll see about getting them, so I can take them with me to the show, that way if I run out half-way through, I can always get another set glued and ready.

Of the items I’ve bought and gotten in.. I’m kind of sad about a few of them. The cages I ordered for the dice are waaaay too small. I’m going to pick up some more mini-dice and use the cages for earrings. I need to find larger cages, or make my own. Ugh, more work to do. I never did wire wrapping, but I might have my buddy who does it, make me some cages. Note to self… talk to Matt.

The bottles are awesome, I love them and they’ll do good as fairy potions. We’re doing those this weekend. More on that in a bit. heh.

The dog tags are little smaller than I expected, I might end up buying regular sized one and glaze or something for next show. These things are about 1.5 inches by 1 inch. I’m going to hunt for some awesome pixel characters and pictures to put on them. That’s part of my job for this weekend too.

And the big disappointment is the ball chain necklaces… I know they were the inexpensive ones, but I really don’t like how they turned out. A good number of them are good, but some of the others are really bad quality. I contacted the people I bought them from and was told to let them know what ones were subpar and they’ll send me replacements. I’m going to have Maili sort through them today hopefully.

I heard back from NewCon (again). The return was supposed to come in the 27th of February for the shoddy work they did at the convention, and then it was supposed to come in first week of March. They’re having more logistical difficulties, and they’re pissing me off. I was told last week that they’d have it in by Wednesday today, and now they’re saying Monday of next week. >.< I have to use that money to pay for a good portion of my Sakura Con registration.

The whole thing with Brewforia took a wonked turn. Apparently the company went under. I contacted them in February and they said that they sent out all the refunds, and mine must have had some issues because they did send them all out, and it’s all mastercard’s fault if I don’t get it. So I went to my bank, filed a complaint and dispute and a week later got a letter saying, “We’re not going to give your money back, because we’ve determined that you, indeed, bought the item you’re contesting.” Yeah. I never said I didn’t buy it. I said it didn’t ship. In fact, if you look at the tracking number, it’s STILL at the place of business, waiting to be picked up.

I tried to get into touch with Brewforia this month and found out that the website’s taken down, the stores are closed, and the numbers aren’t working any longer. I feel bad that they lost their business, but dammit, the customer service there sucked donkey balls. I did contact my bank back and they said that they’re still processing it, and if they get the money back from mastercard, then they’ll give it back to me, but if not, then it sucks to be me. -sigh-

This weekend we’re having a major working party… or at least, I’m hoping we get some major work done. Mom and I will be there… I’ll be working on Oriental 12-on-2 bracelets and getting things glued and set up to go. Mom’ll be opening rings for me. Maili’ll probably do what she did the last couple of weekends (causing me to almost cancel the trip all together, I was so mad). She’ll talk about how she can’t help me because she has so much to do on her costume, and then promptly sit down on the couch with a beer to watch movies and T.V. I’m busting my ass trying to get stock so that this trip (which is already insanely expensive) might have a chance of breaking even, if not make money and she’s bitching about how she’s too busy to bother helping me. Ugh.

Maili’s friend Chels will be there to help… she’s going with us to the convention, and she’s been my biggest help so far. Even bigger than my mom, and that’s saying something. (Not much lately, but something). Davine (the psudo-nephew) will be with us this weekend. He’s going to be helping me with my work, and helping Maili with his costume, and Chels is bringing her 5 year old son too. Maili’s excited about that, because she hasn’t seen Havie in ages. I have jobs set up for both the kids if they want to help. Busy work that needs to be done but I’m too lazy to do it. Mmm… child labor.

In the midst of all this, Sophia (one of the fur-babies) had to go in for surgery. She’s had a lump on her rump for about as long as we’ve had her. The doc looked at it at her last vet visit and said if it got bigger or anything happened, to give her a call. Well a week and a half or so ago, it bust open. It was icky. So we called the doc, got her in to look at it last Saturday and was told that they could remove it, but they didn’t have the A-plus-super-rodent tools. They normally don’t do surgeries on guinea pigs, but the doc was sure she could take care of our baby, she just had to base some of the meds on tiny dogs. We took Sophia in for surgery on Monday. She was out Monday evening and has been on the mend since. She’s been chirpy and purry like usual, eating and sleeping fine, so we’re happy. I have to put meds on her bum daily and she gets oral meds twice a day. Poor dear.

I’m just stretched thin and I’m tired. I’ll be so glad when I get on the train for the show… then I can stop worrying and be like, “Whelp, it is what it is.”

Last updated December 24, 2016

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