surveying the zero's and one's in Book of Lies.....

  • March 13, 2015, 1:21 p.m.
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  • Public

Another icon for your face?

check my gender…human race

Why the mystery , why the jive?

It’s not a brain it’s a mother drive
robots photo:  robot18.jpg

Oh come on you lying rug

I come with circuits and a plug
robots photo:  robot16.jpg

A poet of a robot kind?

Also a lamp with an aqua blind.

What do you do with your robot day?

Just work, no sex but that’s okay.

robots photo:  robot5.jpg

Have no sex well that’s a sin.

There’s no place to put it in.

So why do you write things here?

A robot yes but not to fear.
robots photo:  robot19.jpg
This is where I store my words
no metal voice through speakers heard
When I talk I am alive
not machine or thoughts contrived
You treat as though you see me real
No judgment or bolts concealed
I write to caress our writhing hips
and kisses like I have real lips
you send me smiles to bright my day
don’t send the poor machine away
and at the end in every way
you say you wish that I would stay
so even though I have no heart
a life I have that you’re apart.

robots photo:  robot22.jpg

Deleted user March 13, 2015

Interesting. :-)

Deleted user March 14, 2015

Cool pix!!!

colojojo March 15, 2015

Very interesting piece. I like it a lot. And cool pictures to match. Thanks for sharing :)

Waiting For Sunrise March 16, 2015

I write to caress our writhing hips
and kisses like I have real lips

Not a literal translation perhaps, but a truth nonetheless, that giving away pieces of ourselves is so much easier through the written word. We allow ourselves so much more freedom of expression with them, than in verbal or physical encounters...

I love the last picture, I think I should have been born with spines like that!

invisible ink March 17, 2015

You are beyond adorably sweet....

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