Lip surgery and partying! in 2015

  • March 10, 2015, 7:20 p.m.
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I had that minor surgery on my lip yesterday. It was the first time I’ve ever had any sort of freezing done in my mouth. Heck, its the only freezing I’ve ever had. NO-thats a lie, they froze my vag when they stitched it up after Miley lmao.

Anyway, things have been good around here. As usual. We went to the annual fish derby dance the other night. My mom watched the kids. But thats a whole other story which I will tell you.

I had asked her (I don’t talk to her much anymore but I thought I would give it a shot) to watch the kids on sat night so Chris and I could have some friends over and go out. She said yes, but she had planned to go out, and then she said she might be going to the city, and then I saw her asking on our local trade and sell page for a ride for a friend to come here from the city so I assumed she was going out… Then sometime during the week Miley went to the dentist and to her workplace (library) and my mom sent her home with a note saying “2 or so more sleeps until you stay at grammas house”… so then I was like???? Okay I guess she is watching her.

Then she mentioned that her friend was indeed coming down but she would watch the girls until they fell asleep, then go out with her friend to the dance, and have my dad watch them… That kind of irritated me a bit because what if my dad wanted to go out? Oh well. I was going to suggest that once the girls are sleeping, that she call my gramma to go over and watch them. But I never got around to it.

Anyway, a bunch of friends came over and drank, then we went to the dance. My mom was already there. Then I saw my dad. I told Chris that both of my parents were here and he got soooo mad. “Why does your mom do this shit??” etc. But I knew all she was looking for was a reaction from me, so I didn’t give it to her. I didn’t even mention it, and till this day, I still don’t know who watched them. I knew if I asked her she would be all like “WHAT? oops the kids? I must have left them alone…” which is annoying as shit so I didn’t even bother.

Anyway, long story short, we had an awesome night, got home at 4 am… (OMG) and spent sunday hung over.

Kristen <3

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