whisper winds.. in Words that Rhyme

  • March 9, 2015, 9:13 a.m.
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  • Public

winds photo: Winds IMG_3086.jpg
Stars they shine within my night
made of thoughts and not the light
this is where my dreams begin
fleeting on the whisper winds

Nothing ever seems so clear
and the voice it brings my ear
talks of joys and forgotten sins
memories made of whisper winds

Calling out for me to stray
to focus of the latter day
where does life begin and end
answers found on whisper winds

Close my eyes and open wide
visions have a way to hide
quiet voices still they send
love recalled on whisper winds

When the voices ring no more
echoes bring me to the shore
where the end will once begin
carried there on whispered winds

Last updated March 10, 2015

Skikkles911 March 09, 2015

Very nice... :)

Deleted user March 09, 2015


Lacrime di Drago March 09, 2015

Waiting For Sunrise March 10, 2015

I LOVE this, it's all soft edges and gentle murmurs, and whisper winds sounds like a tiny caress on the lips, it's beautiful..

invisible ink Waiting For Sunrise ⋅ March 10, 2015


Deleted user March 12, 2015

Very Nice :)

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