A Little More in Friends With the Benedicts

  • March 3, 2015, 2:17 p.m.
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Just wrote an updated status so here ya go:

“Probably getting discharged soon. Neuro woman just came in, she’s gonna look and see when my last steroid dose was, and I guess Dr. Strauss (really nice doc in charge of me) is gonna be in soon. His Medical Student was just in here and told me that they will probably send me home, asking me if I felt like I was ready. I was like, hell yea! lol. I told him I really don’t see any reason not to send me. He said they will prolly gimme one more big dose of steroids (yay) and then gimme an rx for more therapy outpatient if I should need it. I did just walk around with the therapist in my brace (that DOES fit in my favorite shoes, yay!) and she said I am doing fine with it, walkin like I should be in it and all. It hurts pretty bad in my thigh muscles because they are being used in a different way, etc. The whole leg muscles are still really thick and tight. I have to work on my stretches and stuff. So, I guess when the doc comes in, she said he will finally gimme the results of the ultrasound. Must not have been too bad. lol. I took a shower today, and because there was no ledge or lip to the floor in there, water ended up flooding my whole room! My Mom was here, but she didn’t notice and I had no idea it was gonna do that. The floor coming out of the door is flat as well, so it just ran out all over the place! Thankfully nothing really of value was on the floor like my lappy, so whoo, that was close. The guy who came to wrap up my picc line so it wouldn’t get wet, wrapped the tape waaaay too tight right in the spot where it is swollen and painful the most. I was crying in the shower. I really needed a Xanax when I got out, especially after seeing that mess, but it passed, and it might as well have since the nurse wouldn’t answer her phone. Anyyyway.. I shall update more as I know. See yall later.”

*And yes, Dr. Strauss just left after telling me I will be getting outta here today after having another steroid dose. He will go ahead and write me a script for Xanax, and try to get me another blood sugar monitor since I have misplaced mine. LOL. He is so very nice. Shit! I forgot to ask him about the ultrasound! Oh well, I am assuming if there was something to know, I would know it. lol. Well, I guess I will update more as this process continues. It is a very long process that’s for sure.


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