Updateish in Friends With the Benedicts

  • March 3, 2015, 5:06 p.m.
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Since yall can’t be booothered to friend me on facebook… I guess I just hafta write, huh? LOL. It’s OK, I need the distraction and boredom cure. So yesterday provided some answers. Imma cheat a little and share my status:

“Well, the MRI results are back and I did NOT have a stroke. The Neuro doc says that they did not see any significant changes in the MS lesions either, but she did see the “chronic changes that you would expect to see with progression”. I asked her about what that could mean as far as moving into Secondary Progressive MS goes, and she didn’t really have an answer. All she said was that I know more than anyone how my own body feels and what is happening. I don’t know if she expects me to diagnose myself, or what, but anyway… she did talk to me about what happens when I get outta here, which could be tomorrow now! I told her I am scared of what happens when the steroids start leaving my body, and told her what happened before. So she said she would prescribe me some anti anxiety meds! Yay! I will have help not killing anyone or breaking things or wanting to die! LOL. She has already started me on them, and as I sit here I am getting sleepy from Xanax and Metformin, so Imma go take a nap. Byeee! Oh, and I got my brace already!”

So yea, that’s the only test result that I have heard about so far. And it’s actually the only one I was not that scared of. I am anxious for that carotid ultrasound result!! Is it that bad and they just don’t wanna tell me?? LOL! *I just talked to my nurse on the phone and mentioned it to her, she’s gonna bring it up to the doctor. Of course she can’t discuss results with me personally, pfft, but whatever. Ummm… OK, so another status and then I’ll elaborate some.

“Took a “nap” but got my 6pm percocet, put it away, just took it with my 10:45. Heh… take THAT headache! SO tired of this win/lose battle between steroids and blood sugar. Just tested at 374. Got 13 units of insulin. I got a sammy but he can’t find any mustard and mayo. I told him it may not last until he does. Got my Melatonin brought to me for when I want it. I think I need ta ask for some poo poo drugs. LOL. Laying in bed all day popping narcotics does not do the digestive tract good. Still no word on the ultrasound. Hopefully tomorrow because I wanna go HOME!!! (I thought my guy nurse was my old gay nurse Joel from back when I was in here before, but upon questioning him, he is not married but has a daughter. BUT, he is wearing two diamond earrings in BOTH ears. Go figure. LOL) Me thinks I am starting to feel better. He just redid my picc line dressing and it looks sooo much better! Feels better too. That could be the Perkycets tho. lol Love yall!”

Yea, so my arm still hurts a shitton tho, and I am told that’s because they had to use a scalpel on me when they don’t usually. It is a lot less bloody looking tho, so he did a really good job with the dressing change. I’m not really sure why I can’t post pics in here. Maybe I should try the old img src http crap. Hmm.. maybe. Orrr mayyyybe yall could just friend me!!! LOL. OK, well I am tired of typing since I have been for like over an hour. I’ll be back later. Bye!


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