A Curious Thing in Everyday Ramblings

  • March 2, 2015, 1:54 a.m.
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Remember when I was talking about how sexy our mountain is? I took this a few hours ago up on Terwilliger behind my place. The views here are so dependent on where one is. It can seem huge 20 feet away from when it doesn’t depending on the optical angle you are at. What is so unusual is to have a clear dry day when the trees are not all in bloom but working on it. Usually leaves obscure the view if on the odd chance it is not overcast or wet to begin with.

This morning (in preparation for the time change next weekend) I got up early and went walkies before the sun had completely come up. It was like going to the planetarium and how they show the horizon silhouetted by the light coming up from underneath and there was this marvelous almost orange glow behind both the mountains and it was just breathtaking.

I enjoy these few days where it gets light early before we “lose” an hour and those of you in the southern hemisphere get it back as guardians.

The new [http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2015/02/drowning-world/mendel-photography] National Geographic has these very affecting photos this month of people in flooded areas all over the world. This photographer has been going around for the last few years from one flood to another.

Climate change is here to stay and is profoundly affecting us all.

I moved here to Portland from San Francisco and now 16 years later the weather is following me up the coast.

When Kes gets back from Seattle and recovers from her most intense packing and cleaning extravaganza for the big move we need to start planning our oldest sister’s memorial/wake deal for May.

It is looking now that even with many hands and backs that they might not finish getting everything out and the place cleaned today. Everybody is getting tired. That must mean that they are really really tired because they were all tired to begin with.

They are moving from a large three-bedroom apartment into a small one bedroom and they have maybe 750 to 1,000 books. Miss T. wants to go through all 12 boxes of my sister’s books most of which I packed last week and she hasn’t had anything like the time to even think of doing that since her mother died five weeks ago.

Most Honorable and I might go up again next weekend to pick up another load of stuff for storage.

This is my life right now. Work, teaching, living with the cats (who are both in love with Kes and Most Honorable) and adapting to the loss in our family and doing what needs to be done.

I used to paint when I was younger and I am feeling drawn towards that again. And I am most certainly being drawn towards poems. If there were world enough and time…

Did you all read the article about the girl in Seattle who feeds the crows and they bring her treasured objects in recompense?

When I was walking this afternoon as I got close to ground level coming down off the hill I began to notice tangled into various bushes short pieces of various bright colored yarn. I would not be at all surprised if the crows were picking it up out of unsuspecting knitter’s bags left unattended and dropping it there. Maybe some of the homeless women that sleep in the wooded areas around there on occasion are knitters?

I suspect the real story is stranger than any I can imagine but it was a curious thing.

A curious thing indeed.

Last updated March 02, 2015

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