En Hospital in Friends With the Benedicts

Revised: 03/01/2015 5:19 p.m.

  • March 1, 2015, 2:44 p.m.
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I was still feeling unsettled about the diagnosis after Friday’s appt; so I decided to come to the hospital, and if they kept me then that was that. My smile didn’t look right still, and even Laura said that my mouth was droopy. Anyway, here’s the first status about it from my Mom:

“well…they are admitting Stephanie to Baptist hospital for tests…she has been having stroke symptoms but her neurologist thinks it is a MS relapse. She’s very weak on her left side and is dragging her foot. Her smile is crooked and her mouth is droopy, and her eyes are crossed....doesn’t she sound beautiful? LOL I will update more when I know more....”

Isn’t she just hilarious? lol And then I was having problems connecting on my phone, AKA Beelzebub, but I was able to write this when I found out I was getting admitted after spending like, 10 years in the ER room:

“Being admitted to Baptist Hospital. Will write later when I get to my room. Love.”
I was actually taken straight back and put into a room immediately when they saw/heard my symptoms. All the waiting was done after that. But I guess it’s not that bad, all things considered. It was pretty busy in there too, so they cooould have made me wait four hours like they did my mom. Heh. Anywhore… Then this is my last status of the nite and I’m afraid I’m going to hafta insist that if you wanna really know what’s goin on, you FB me. So anybody who wants to, right now I am not really gonna even question who ya are. lol. My email on there is [email protected] and look for the name Stephanie Spencer Morgan. :) OK so… statoos…

“Well, I am finally all settled in my room. I have had a non-pureed meal (can’t say the same of my breakfast eww!) and my meds for the night so I am happy. Finally got my lappy courtesy of Mommy. She is up here watching TV with me. They are now hesitantly leaning more toward MS, but I guess they are still gonna check just to be on the safe side for other causes. I will have my infusions in hospital, as well as an MRI in the AM. Also tomorrow will be a carotid ultrasound. So yea, they are still checking, crossing I’s and dotting T’s. lol. My nurse is awesome. He saw my vape being charged after talking about them and how he used one to quit, and he was like, yea I didn’t see that - just don’t let anyone else see it. And my Mom was like - she can do it without anyone knowing or any “smoke” coming out! LOL! She so funny. I like it when I have awesome nurses. Okee dokee, off to explore faceyspace! Love all of you so much! heart emoticon That’s not just the Percocet talking either. Especially my wonderful wife who is at home cleaning away. I love you so much. <3 <3 “

Yea, my nurse is pretty awesome. It’s really cool to use a vape and know that it’s not going to smell, it’s not going to linger in the air, and you don’t even have to blow out what you inhale if you don’t want to! You just hold it in longer and it goes away. It’s important to call it “vaping” because that’s what it is. You call smoking “smoking”, because it’s the act of inhaling and exhaling smoke. Smoke is nasty, smells, and gets all up in your clothes, etc. “Vaping” is the act of inhaling vapor, almost like steam that you get when you boil water. Some of them actually are water vapors. I may be saying that wrong. Admittedly, I don’t know that much about it, but I do know enough to say what it is and what it isn’t. So yea. It’s not smoke, it’s vapor, and therefore I am vaping and not smoking. Anyway, just wanted to let the people who may be like, “but you’re in the hospital! That’s wrong!” Is it more wrong to do what I am doing which is harming NOBODY and nothing or to put me in a hospital that allows no smoking even outside, and if you say you need a nicotine patch, they take a day to get you one? Yea. I’m OK. Anyway, I shall be back tomorrow morning. Where is he with my sammich? Grrowwwl says my tummy!! :( Love yalls


Last updated March 01, 2015

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