Today in Friends With the Benedicts

  • Feb. 18, 2015, 7:54 a.m.
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I’m just not feelin the love, people! lol. I wrote that last entry and didn’t get a single note! That’s okay, I ‘spose that’s what I get for going so long without writing. I’m writing this on my laptop. :) I’m still not quite used to the keyboard and keep turning the caps lock key on, and making a lot of mistakes that I have to then go back and erase. But all in all, I love my little Harry. Yep, Harry Potter is my laptop’s name. (It’s an hp lol) Hmm.. did I ever even completely write about it? Well, to make a long story short, me and my Mom frequent this Facebook group that is a local “rummage sale” type thing. There are rules and whatnot, and people post stuff and you buy it and this laptop was posted for $100, and the rules state that the first one to comment is the one it goes to first. And my Mom knew I was looking for a good deal on a laptop, so she commented. The reason she did, is because she could tell this laptop was a very nice one. Turns out it is a VERY nice one. LOL. My Mom had just purchased her own new laptop not a week before she obtained this one for me, and she said had she not done that, then she would have just kept this one and not bought a new one, that’s how nice this one is. I could probably get at least $300 for it if I wanted to sell it. But, I don’t! lol. So anyway, that’s how I got my new computer. And it is all mine. Laura said I could have a laptop, and she has her tablet that was my Mom’s but she gave it to her for Xmas. Laura is always afraid people are gonna think we’re like rich or something or like, blowing our money on gadgets when really it’s not like that at all lol. My cell phone also was a gift. Well, we do pay every month for the service, but it’s only $45 and we have very few bills. I dunno why I’m trying to justify us, I guess I’m more just trying to explain stuff. Anyway!

Today is my Mom’s big doctor appointment. She goes to the Oncologist to get the results of the MRI she had done on her other boob and the PET scan she had done to see if the cancer has spread. This is the appt. that I, personally, have been waiting for. Like I told her, everyone came to hear the results of the biopsy when frankly I thought that was kinda stupid seeing as how we already knew it was gonna come back malignant. I mean, she had a small chance of it coming back benign, but did she really need support for that? “Oh, such happy news, your test came out fine, I’m so glad I was here for you!” LOL! She had no idea that the one time she needed someone was when she went for the actual Mammogram. Of course, had she actually had one in the last 13 years, she might have known that they can tell right away if it’s bad or not! I wish I could have been there with her for that, but we didn’t know. Oh well, what are ya gonna do? Well, I’m sure I’ll be back to update when we know more about the results. Oh -

I am in love with vaping. That’s right, I took the plunge and got an actual vapor e-cig. I had avoided them before because I didn’t wanna mess with having to fill up anything with liquid and I thought it would be way more expensive than the e-cigs you buy from the convenience stores. Turns out, once you go liquid, nothing is ever the same! Those other ones just cannot compare, and any hassle that comes with it becomes very much worth it! Right now I’ve got e-juices with caramel mocha, camel crush, and plum tobacco flavorings in them. There are neverending combinations you can do. The mocha as well as the tobacco go well with the mintiness of the camel crush, and I am just loving every bit of it! I don’t like having to charge it tho, and it sucks when I have to smoke while I do. But, still worth it!

Well, I will go read yall and then it is off to bed with me! I hope all of you are doing well. Byeee!


Last updated February 18, 2015

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