What not to talk about... in Lists
- Nov. 11, 2013, 9:26 p.m.
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- Public
I bummed this from Ira Glass's This American Life.
It's a list of topics too boring to talk about.
- Your dreams.
- How you slept.
- What you eat.
- You period.
- Your health.
- Routes - how you got here.
- Money - is not necessarily boring but it's vulgar.
Trouble with the list of boring conversational topics is that it doesn't say what you should talk about.
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Deleted user ⋅ November 11, 2013
What you do while awake What you do while not eating What healthy things you like and i dunno cartoons porn hair colors and shopping lol
NorthernSeeker ⋅ November 11, 2013
Money is one of those things I think is really interesting. I guess we are all different.
Just Annie ⋅ November 12, 2013
Yay! New grandbabies are NOT on the list. I'm good. :)
Deleted user ⋅ November 12, 2013
Generally true. But in theory, an interesting person who can tell good stories can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Few of us are so qualified, though.
I myself an utterly bored by people who insist on relating the minutiae of conversations ("...and then I was like... and then he was like...")
RoseS ⋅ November 12, 2013
I kind of like hearing about those things.
Linda ⋅ November 15, 2013
Pretty much why I haven't been writing.
Ophidia ⋅ November 27, 2013
I loved this TAL episode :) I actually enjoy hearing people's dreams though, as long as something weird or exciting is happening and not just "I dreamed I ate a banana lol I don't even like bananas!"
Ophidia ⋅ November 28, 2013
P.s. This book of lists is a really good idea. I may steal the concept. :)