Tuesday AM in Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.
- Feb. 17, 2015, 4:06 a.m.
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The snow stopped about 3 yesterday afternoon. We got around 6” of the fluffy snow. Luckily I was able to use the leaf blower to blow it off the concrete drive. However, it was deep enough that I would have to remove some of the top layers to get to the bottom layers. There was a little ice underneath but not a lot. The wind direction played a major key in actually getting the snow OFF the concrete. It did take me awhile and it was still snowing pretty good while I was out there but the concrete is now pretty clear.
I feel a bit embarrassed writing about our snow when the Eastern part of the US would humph at what we have here. Schools have all closed and we have a 2hr delay to work. The difference in the two areas and how they deal with snowfall is so different. I do know this. In past years when we’ve had much more snowfall throughout the winter months, you do get used to it and continue on with life. Schools will start but run snow routes, which mean the rural students will only be able to get to school with parents or other ways to get there.
I do remember as a kid, when both parents worked, sometimes I couldn’t go to school because we had no way to get there. Mom and dad had to work so we (brother and I) would get a couple of extra days at home. We really didn’t like it cause by that time we were in the throes of cabin fever. Dad always had to feed the cows when he got home from work and sometimes I would go with him to help him. Never was allowed to feed the hay by myself. Not sure why.
Wow, got off track there.
Talked with son yesterday afternoon. Guess what somehow came up in our conversation? Yep, the girls staying home alone after school and on occasional Saturdays. Oh my goodness I was impressed with their plan. Both parents call them and there is a schedule and emergency plan. Son calls them more than DIL because of her job. He did tell me that Lee is giving them trouble but after talking with him, I felt much better about the whole thing. They have a plan and schedule and they are good ones. No plans for the girls to keep the youngest yet as they know that is too much for the girls. AND I never said a word about Lee calling me and discussing her concerns. Just couldn’t think of a positive reason for me to share that information with him. He and my DIL would have upset that Lee had called me about this although I understand her concerns, she doesn’t think things through. I know she has caused them problems in the past too and I do not want to add to the fire. So bottom line is: Son and DIL are taking all steps to insure that the girls are safe and the next door neighbor is aware and keeps her eyes and ears open. The neighbor is also their bus driver and Mickey walks her dog for her in the summer.
Made progress on the quilt making yesterday. Actually made more progress than expected which is very nice. May take a picture as I discovered the perfect place to lay out my pieces. A fleece blanket of the grands that I have in the guest room. AND it helps me size it.
Must go for now. Take care and God Bless
Last updated February 17, 2015
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