Talking and spanking in blackpropaganda
- Feb. 13, 2015, 8:46 a.m.
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I have a lecture to give next week to a group of retired men - and I have to give it my best shot because I know many of them and walk with some - so they have some expectations I shall inform, educate and entertain them - all in 35 minutes or so. (For those not in the know this was the motto of the BBC as put forward in the 1920s - the essence of public service - and not applicable to the Murdoch media!)
It is going to be about propaganda - mainly in the Great War, since that is topical - and so far I have 40 Powerpoint slides - and should have a few more - the main thing is to keep them from falling asleep before lunch.
I never use notes - just talk from the slides - and never, never just read out what is on them - in fact most of mine are pictures. So there will be some refinement of the chat over the weekend - I shall practice the chat a bit - and then just hope my USB thingy works with their PC and data projector. Otherwise they will all be asleep before lunch.
Meanwhile SW… got her flowers for VD last week when they were cheaper - and I can recycle a card I did for her a couple of years ago - never let it be said that romance is dead!
and something a little different - hands up who likes this
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