Been Awhile. in Friends With the Benedicts

  • Feb. 13, 2015, 8:48 a.m.
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So, Imma try to do this as quicklike as I can. K.

We still have the same info as my last entry on my Mom’s breast cancer status. Still grade A, to our knowledge. However, she did just go for a breast MRI and a PET scan so they can see if she has anything in the other one or anywhere else, if it has spread. Those results are still pending. The real problem right now, is that she has to quit smoking and be nicotine free for 30 days before they will do her mastectomy. She also cannot take her hormones anymore. I think I already touched on that subject, but yea… she’s not a really fun person to be around right now. LOL! Today was 6 days since she quit. Or, 1 day since she smoked even a puff of a nicotine containing product, if you wanna get technical about it. But she has not slipped up so much that she went back to smoking like she did in the beginning. She was supposed to quit on a Sunday, and she ended up buying a pack of cigarettes and quitting the next day. The next day, she smoked one, so she said oh well I messed up, might as well smoke a pack. But the third day she actually quit. I went to a vaping store, called Blue Angel Vapes, and got her an e cig with liquid stuff in it that had no nicotine. The guy hooked me up with one as well, and omg… I will never look at those ones they sell in the convnience stores the same again! They just do NOT compare to the real liquid vapor ones. I was right though, you do have to maintain them a lot more. You have to replace the coils that heat up the liquid to produce the vapor, and of course you have to purchase the liquid. We were able to find much better prices than local online, and now we have a bunch of stuff coming to my Mom’s house.
*I am exhausted and keep falling asleep while writing this. lol. Basically, lemme just sum shit up reeeal quick.

  • We postponed the wedding until next year due to time constraints, my Mom, and financial stuff. Same date, just different year.

  • My back tire that I had been having problems with and had to put air in every couple of days finally went flat on me and stranded me at my Mom’s and she had to drive me home. Took a couple days but we finally got it fixed.

I’m tired, and tired of writing. Sorry! I will be back when I can stay awake. LOL. Hope yall are good!

Love yas!


Last updated February 13, 2015

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