The new trainmaster Pueblo yard 2009 in Tales of the Jointed Track
- Feb. 6, 2015, 4:25 p.m.
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Wow… they are getting young. They also are clueless, and if they don’t get their asses chewed out by upper Division management, or the crews can have their way with them, you can see the frustration.
That’s when you lose control of your terminal. Pueblo, at this time, we’re seasoned railroaders , 30 to 40 years of service. We know what needs to be done. We’ll bang boxcars and get the job done. Don’t fuck with us, switch the yard, don’t take a meal period, an early quit, all happy campers. Well the pot is always stirred isn’t it?.
The yard is performing above and beyond expectations. There is always someone or somebody that is dissatisfied. Six hours, we can bang out the leads, and set up afternoons for the same. The early exceptions..period. We were railroading when this kid was still shitting his pants.
The radio rules are now being enforced. Crews will not use channel 30.. Period!!
Okay…“over and out” gag … other stuff, is the new norm. We will be failed on operational tests, per the Division management.
Pueblo Yard 230 pm yard job;
We got the marching orders. I went out early to inspect the power, and report defects as needed. “Ya hear this radio ?” “Yeah loud and clear”. “Come out of the track, and look for hand signals”. “Okay understood”.
The local took one motor. There is not another for us to add too. One GP-38-2 and we’re gonna make it work.
We switched on hand signals for 2 hours. Hand only, no radio, unless needed. The trainmaster was out there to observe. Rennix Yardmaster up in Denver, called to see what we were doing. “Switching can’t talk to you, will update you on the phone”..or they didn’t answer. Me radio silence unless necessary.
The list is done. The switch men go to the yard office for another list. Rennix says “I tried to get a hold of you” “Never heard you. Here’s the next list” “Okay send it”. The trainmaster shows up. “I watched you guys switch out for an hour, and I didn’t understand a thing what you were doing”. Yeah, wonder why?
Was all on hand signals, we hired out with. LOL, yeah…just can’t leave well enough alone . I guess we passed the Radio rules test.... Harrr.
Last updated February 06, 2015
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