Things in Hello.

  • Jan. 30, 2015, 2:50 p.m.
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Work continues to be ok, although in the past week or so, there seems to have been a lot of whispering and snideyness that I won’t be party to. I was there when it started. The managers are D and M, a lovely married couple about my age. Seriously, they’re really nice. They always tell you what a good job you’re doing, see us out the door at the end of the day and thank us for our work. Last week, member of staff who normally works in our jewellery department, was in my bit (gifts) because we were under staffed. We’ll call her Y. She was telling D how she’d spent a good couple of hours doing…something or other…and M had come in the next day and undone it. D said to Y “that’s a bit crap…let me speak to M and we’ll get to the bottom of it.” It transpired that M had said it was Y’ s fault because she hadn’t done the change over properly. A lot of nonsense over nothing really....both were in the wrong, learn and move on. But the whispering at work is all about this. And I want to shout “seriously!? If this is the worst thing to happen in your shop, I really pity you!” If only they could be a fly on the wall at my two last shop jobs. Jesus. I hate gossip. HATE IT. I hate how judgmental people can be when they don’t know all the facts. I will walk away from gossiping groups. I can’t stand bitchiness and factions at work.
Rob has now been accepted to Edge Hill, Teeside and Preston universities and rejected from Leeds, which was his initial first choice before he found out about Edge Hill. He’s just waiting to hear back from the Cambridge one (not THE Cambridge one!) before he can accept and start the ball rolling. He’s also keen on doing something that like Camp America, but based in Canada. The college have been bigging it up to them and his friend got a place a day after she applied, so he’s thinking of doing it before he goes to uni. I hope he gets on it!
Eleanor is quite poorly. I don’t normally think much when she gets ill, but this time my mummy radar is on overdrive for some reason. She has a temperature and her little face is swollen…this morning she’d had a nose bleed and convinced herself she was having a brain haemorrhage. :/ I’ve given her paracetomol, ibuprofen and Vimto which seemed to make her feel better and Bel has been instructed to tell me if she whines in the night. Hopefully it’s nothing, but the mummy radar hasn’t buzzed for a few years…we’ll see.

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