Fed up with being unwell in The View from the Terrace

  • Jan. 30, 2015, 9:32 p.m.
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I’m feeling rather fed up at the moment. This week was a relatively free week and I made a lot of plans. Nothing special, just jobs around the house that I wanted to get on with, like sorting out the kitchen cupboards and, weather permitting, getting out into the garden to do some tidying, and also to plant a few seeds in seed trays and put them on the kitchen window sill.

What has actually happened is that I woke with a migraine Monday and Tuesday. I had a milder one on Wednesday and managed to get though the day without taking any meds and did actually tidy half a cupboard, but by evening it had taken a hold again and I had to retire to bed with a Zomig. Thursday the side affects from the Zomig were particularly bad and I couldn’t concentrate on anything. Then today I woke with a migraine again. So there goes my week and very little done.

I do try to keep positive, at least the meds take away the pain and nausea, but they wipe me out for the day. Hopefully the next few days will be better, though they are now forecating snow so gardening is probably out for a few days.

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