NJM-09 in NoJoMo13
- Nov. 9, 2013, 12:14 p.m.
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*Day 9 – What was the most creative excuse you've come up with to get out of a date, an appointment, or doing a task? *
::Note:: I've been thinking about this one for awhile, and sort of dreading it. I almost didn't even use this prompt today, because I didn't like my answer. But then I decided that the purpose of me being here, the purpose of not explaining who I was on OD (though it's okay if you guess correctly) was to have a new start. A chance to be ME. All of me. So, here it is, and if you can relate, great. But, if you think I'm a worthless piece of crap and you won't ever read anything else I write, well...then that is great, too! Here I am...cracks and all. ::End Note::
You know, I don't think I've ever really used a very creative excuse to get out of something. I wish I could say that I had. But the brutal truth is that if it is something I'm wanting to get out of, it really isn't important enough for me to put forth that much effort. Honestly, I put much more effort into justifying those things that I DO want to do. smiles
But, over the years, I have grown and evolved into the sort of person who believes that, in most cases, flimsy excuses are disrespectful. They are disrespectful to me and to the person to whom I'm offering the excuse. They are, at best, passive-aggressive and I really despise passive-aggressiveness. So, these days, instead of excuses, I try to offer the truth whenever possible. "No, I'm sorry, I already have plans." "No, I am not comfortable with that." "No, I don't think that is a good idea." And sometimes, just "no". It is easier to tell the truth when it's kept simple.
There have been times, though, when I have allowed anger and disgust to overtake me. It is at those times that my tongue becomes a sword, each word slicing into the heart of whoever I'm speaking to.
But you wouldn't want to hear about that...would you?
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