Too big. in Hello.

  • Jan. 8, 2015, 9:49 a.m.
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Boring diet entry. Feel free to skip.
Once again I am dieting. I did well keeping my weight at an acceptable level when I was working, but when I stopped, I stopped feeling the need to do any exercise and ate rubbish whenever I felt like it. My weight has crept up and up and now I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life. Thankfully I know the Dukan Diet works for me, so I’m on with that again. I have so many lovely clothes that don’t fit me any more. In fact, I’m living in one pair of trousers and one skirt paired with enormous jumpers, which is highly embarrassing. I’ve also started waking myself up snoring in the night. I’ve gone from a fit person, confident about myself and looking reasonably ok in my eclectic wardrobe, into a frumpy pig who’d rather sit on her arse and do nowt. I think it works as a self fulfilling prophecy that way. So now I’m looking at women on the telly and the internet, thinking “that’s how I’d like to look…” I know it’s shallow, but I think I look a lot older when I’m carrying weight. Some women look ok, I don’t think I do. I remind myself of Waynetta Slob sometimes, wearing the same horrible clothes day in, day out. And buying clothes in a size 18 upsets me, I just think “I’ll only be wearing them for a few weeks…“, which I have up until now. How long it takes me to get back into some of my other clothes is a different kettle of fish! Grumbling about it is fine and well, I’m the only person who can do something about it.
It also doesn’t help that I’m trying out something new with my hair, and it’s at the weird growing out phase. I’m hoping that by this summer, I’ll be happy with my weight and my appearance.
13 st 8.4lb.
That’s what I weighed on Tuesday when I decided to start dieting. I’ve lost 4lb since then. This diet always starts quickly, I think food elimination diets do, because they usually require you to drink a lot of fluid, and so you lose a lot of retained water. The fact that this diet actively encourages you to not cut out your caffeinated drinks helps somewhat. I’ve been making all kinds of yummy lattes with vanilla and almond essences, cocoa powder and other “allowed” things. Strictly speaking I’m only supposed to eat protein for the first four days, but I’m going to be naughty and have mushrooms with my tea tonight! ;)
I promise not to be a diet bore!

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