Entry 15-01.06.10 in Book Two: The Fifteenth Year of the Third Millennium of the Common Era
- Jan. 6, 2015, 8:16 p.m.
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I started the day 8 days behind in Bar Exam Review. I woke up, not on time, but early enough to get some done… kid you not -13 F (-25C)… so I wrapped myself up in a big blanket and trodded to my computer… and said fuck it and went back to sleep. When I awoke again; I had to make sure errands got done.
Mailed my brother’s 10th anniversary card… CHECK
Lunch (because, sometimes I honestly forget)… CHECK
College Loan Bloodletting.... CHECK but, as it is a phone call, for some reason it took me too much pausing and anxiety to make the damned call and when I finally did, it took forever to make the payment. I get that they make $$ by delinquent payments but… take my money.
Call Photographer McDickhead… CHECK. Another difficult one, not only because it is a phone call but because I don’t like feeling powerless to complete something. A reason I hate group projects or relying on people… it is why I prefer a commerce system- I pay you, you perform the task… there is no trust involved because MUTUAL benefit. It is times like this where commerce breaks down that makes me… edgy. Like… I’m staring at the phone trying to will myself to dial. Of course, when I finally did there was no answer. I don’t mean “no answer, so I left a message” I mean… no answer, this guy’s business line doesn’t even have a frelling answering machine! I really don’t want to get insane-level harassing on this guy but… holy shit; do I have to drive back to Des Moines and sit in front of his house every morning before he finally gets me SOME response?!
Work on some Thank You Letters… CHECK(ish). I feel crap-idy-crap crap about this one. My parents raised an extremely well mannered young man (and I even act like it sometimes). Typically, thank you notes for presents are finished and sent by the end of the first weekend of the new year. This year? I’ve only finished and mailed ONE. Out of 14 total. Lonely and Physics-Breaking as it may be… kind of wish I had the ability to freeze time right now so I could catch up on everything!
Take out the Recycling… CHECK!
Do some laundry…NOT check; at least not today… machine was busy all evening
Workout… CHECK (holy hera was it cold getting to the gym!) Still can’t seem to break my consistent stretch of 30 minutes, Elliptical, 4 Miles
Shower (cuz, even if I don’t workout, I should do this)… Super CHECK
and Study… not as much CHECK as I want but… that is on me. I’m going to try to do hot cider and hot breakfast tomorrow to wake me up enough to start studying pre-sun-up and keep going until I drop from exhaustion.
I honestly have to admit… I don’t know how my colleagues are able to lead functional lives and study enough to pass the bar exam… honestly no clue.
According to Bar Review? 48 DAYS REMAINING. I… am so dead!
Last updated January 06, 2015
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