Nothing... in These titles mean nothing.
- Nov. 7, 2013, 6:44 a.m.
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- Public
Nothing lasts.
We like to think it does, but it doesn't.
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kalakri ⋅ November 07, 2013
This is true. Whether we live to see it end or not.
NorthernSeeker ⋅ November 07, 2013
The smell of rotten fish SEEMS to last forever.
Deleted user ⋅ November 07, 2013
...but life's transience is part of what makes it precious and beautiful.
RoseS ⋅ November 07, 2013
it is true. The challenge is to refill the box while we can. Thinking of you.
Sugar Magnolia ⋅ November 07, 2013
I can't tell if you are angry or sad. Both I suppose.