It's been a hard day's night in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Jan. 4, 2015, 6:56 p.m.
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and I'd been working like a dog

I’ve literally been working like a dog. So much so that I’m not liking my job so much right now lol. I mean, I love my job, I just hate going in lol.

We still haven’t hired a replacement for Mysti, who left back in November. Paul took 2 weeks off. Lorena calls in more than she shows up for work. Paul is back but is only working 2 days a week. Pretty much, Rick & I are running the desk, aside from management. Rick only works audit 5 nights a week so I work the other 2 then I cover 3 evenings and Paul & Lorena cover the other 4 evenings. My body is wore out. This flip-flopping between night shift & evening shift is for the birds. I’m getting too old for it. As much as I like Rick and enjoy working with him, I can’t wait till he finally has had enough and moves on so that I can have straight audit shifts. A girl can dream anyway …

Kasey was finally fired. Thank goodness. I was so sick of her & had reached the end of my rope. I came real close to walking out on my shift back on the 12th. It took Maggie forever (it seemed like) to calm me down and convince me to stay. Of course, the more she tried to convince me, the more mad I got because she was saying all the “wrong” things to me. Like: “The coffee is not important. You need to stay behind the desk and worry about the guests.” and stupid other things like that. People’s, it’s the small things that make all the difference. Fresh hot coffee goes a long way in how a guest reacts to us and our hotel. Anyway, I decided to stick it out for my shift and then I couldn’t sleep that night so I made a post on Facebook:

I try not to vent negative things. But after tonight, I need to get it off my chest because the lava brownie & ice cream didn’t make it all better. Feel free to bypass this post … I came close to quitting my job earlier this evening. I’m so sick of working with a bunch of 2 year old’s. If I wanted to work with children, I’d be working in a damn daycare center. It really jacks my jaws when I have to do someone else’s job before I can do mine/complete mine. I’m sad to say but if something isn’t done about the lazy, incompetent individual(s), I’m going to have to move on. I didn’t sign up for this. I’m a desk clerk/night auditor only. I don’t get paid to do the breakfast attendant or houseman or any other employee’s job at the hotel and I’m not going to do it anymore. It’s not fair to me to have to do their job for them yet they get the paycheck & I’m the one suffering the consequences of their actions. No more. Sassy is fed up. Management has been made aware of my frustrations so now it’s a matter of time will tell.

When Omar had called during my shift, Maggie made me tell him “my feelings” so I gave them to him, full force. Which, by the way, was the same thing(s) I had been saying to him all along for months now … same song and dance, different day. At this point, I know nothing will be done to solve anything so I’m sick of bitching and complaining (because at this point, that is exactly what I am doing, bitching and complaining about the same things, every day).

So anyway, I got up the next morning, re-read what I had posted and decided to make a 2nd post:

Let me clarify my post from last night … There is a huge difference when a business is short staffed and everyone has to band together to pick up the slack until new people can be hired and trained properly. THAT I don’t mind. I enjoy being part of the team. I enjoy being depended on to help out when help is needed. I know it won’t last forever when my duties increase. What angers me is employees who know what their job is yet refuse to do it. I know we can’t help it sometimes when we need to call in sick. But when it becomes a regular thing, I take issue. I’m tired of being to told to show up for staff meetings yet there are those who feel they don’t have to. I don’t like being told I will be written up if I don’t do my job yet others walk around without reprimands as if they own the place. I am sick of hearing everyone say, “Well they don’t do it so I’m not going to either!” So because no one is doing the job they are getting paid to do, it is left for myself to do because I need them to do their job to be able to do mine. A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link and frankly I’m sick of trying to hold their chain link together so that mine doesn’t fall off. It’s not fair to me that my job suffers their actions. It’s not fair if I get reprimanded for my job not being complete because they want to throw temper tantrums worthy of a 2 year old. And, no I have too much class, my work ethics are too strong to just throw in the towel and say, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” I make sure that I can go to bed each night with a clear conscious knowing I did the job I was paid to do. Unfortunately, not everyone cares enough to feel the same way. I’m a good employee. I’m far from perfect, and I make my fair share of mistakes. I’m adult enough to admit that. I try to correct my errors and learn from them. But I am human and I do have my limits. I can only take so much bull crap before I decide I have had enough and move on.

So yeah, Omar received a screen shot of the posts and gave me a lecture on “the ramifications of posting on social media blah blah blah”. During our conversation I gently chided about working with children using the fact that “someone” had to go run and tell ”Daddy” on me about my posts. * sigh *

So needless to say, a minor few things have changed/improved since my FB posts. Not enough to make a difference, but it is a start. Although, they did step it up concerning Kasey and it finally ended with her being fired. Which honestly was way to late. It should have been done months ago. But better late than never, eh?

And Maggie, Lord have mercy, but that is one hot mess also. Girlfriend is on a power trip like you wouldn’t believe since she became the front desk manager. It’s like she treats us as if we forgot how to do our job because she became the manager. We did our job just fine before she was promoted but now we have no clue what we are doing, according to her. She’s real bad about arguing with us about our job performance, and every time you try to defend your actions, she has to debate with you on why you are wrong and she is right. Talk about micromanaging to the extreme? Ugh! I’m trying to keep my mouth shut for the sake of peace but damn if she doesn’t make it difficult.

And when she argues with the guests, man, I want to step in so bad. I did a couple of times and caught hell from her about it so I stopped. She’s Omar’s problem, not mine. But eventually I will reach my breaking point with her and then I will have to go above her and talk to Omar. I just want to come in, do my job, and my job only, and go home. Is that too much to ask for?

Still don’t have my new phone yet. But I’m close. Another month or so and I should finally have enough to buy it. I told Hubby that if we actually get a tax refund this year, instead of owing like we did last year, thanks to him, what ever money I’m lacking for my phone, I will use the remainder from the tax refund. So by March, either with or without help from the tax refund, I will have my new phone. Won’t happen soon enough as far as I am concerned lol.

I have a rare treat of being off on a Saturday today. I had one last weekend which was the 1st one I had been off on since the first one in November. Of course Maggie says it was a fluke that I had A Saturday off, much less 2 in a row, and that it would change with the next schedule. I told her okay but to double check with Omar about that because it was stipulated when I was hired that I would agree to work weekends occasionally, but I would not work every weekend, that I had left my last job specifically for that fact that I was stuck working every weekend. “Just a reminder, Maggie, that you have 2 other 3-11 desk clerks who can work weekends also. One has no wife or children and the other spends 24/7 during the week with her son. My child is in school everyday and she has after school activities. I only have Sat. & Sun to spend quality time with her and my husband. There is no reason why I should have to be the one pulling the weekends when it could be divided up evenly between the 3 of us.” So time will tell. This upcoming week I am working Fri & Sat again. Color me surprised. Not.

Anyway, luckily for me that I am off today because we got a nasty little snow storm and all the roads coming into/out of the city are closed. Had I been at work, I would have been stuck there at least over night. So yay for dodging that bullet. Now I just gotta hope that everything clears up enough tomorrow for me to be able to go into work at 11pm tomorrow night. Fingers crossed.

Okay, think I will go find something to read for a change for a few more hours. I’m trying to stay up as long as I can so I can sleep more during the day tomorrow so that I can work the audit shift for the next 3 nights.

Till next time ....

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