Two duds in one night in Torridaussity Two

  • Jan. 4, 2015, 12:40 p.m.
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  • Public

Well the first dud of the night was my date lol. He was as I expected socially backwards and still not over the death of his father from last year which I completely understand, but the socially awkward part even my friends felt bad for setting us up as we are just not compatible as a couple. He is nice a guy, but no connection.
The second dud was my Steelers lost tonight and I am sad, but still a fan. I looked good tonight at least that was the only positive. Night all.

Ditch Witch January 04, 2015

Duds :( Boo!

Always Laughing Ditch Witch ⋅ January 04, 2015

Oh well always next guy and next year lol

Cricket January 04, 2015

Sorry about the date! :/

Always Laughing Cricket ⋅ January 04, 2015

Thanks it's life and I know you're a new reader so I had written before that he made no effort to try and communicate prior to it so I am not surprised by it at all and my friends and I had fun so it wasn't the worst date ever lol.

Cricket Always Laughing ⋅ January 04, 2015

At least you got some fun out of it!! lol

Deleted user January 05, 2015

Boooooo, that sucks! Sorry to hear that.

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ January 05, 2015

My friends and I had fun so there's that lol

Deleted user Always Laughing ⋅ January 05, 2015

LOL Glad you had some fun.

Deleted user January 06, 2015

new year, new people to doors to open, having days thats full of magic and the right "guy" maybe right around the corner ...Blessings of life and hope and be discovered.....Elizabeth

WomanOfSteele January 08, 2015

Crappy dates = the worst. Hope he at least bought your meal. lol

Always Laughing WomanOfSteele ⋅ January 08, 2015

no he didn't and made it clear he was there on his own check when the waitress asked how she should split the check up

WomanOfSteele Always Laughing ⋅ January 08, 2015

Ugh! What a turd!

Always Laughing WomanOfSteele ⋅ January 08, 2015

Lol indeed

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