Forgiveness before the year started in Torridaussity Two

  • Jan. 2, 2015, 4:32 p.m.
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I am sure many of you remember me telling you of the shattered friendship between myself and my friend in the military last year when he shut me out and never acknowledged the gift I sent him. Well it had been gnawing at me for these months since it happened and deciding that I wanted a fresh start for all areas of my life for the new year, I reached out to him and said I feel like you’ve treated our friendship differently and if I did something to offend you I am sorry and I want to make things right before 2015 starts. He responded and immediately apologized. I didn’t bring up that is was before he left that it started, but he said he lost 8 guys during this deployment and is going through some serious health issues and that he has shut himself out from those he cares about. I am at peace with his apology and that we are working on being like we used to. It doesn’t excuse his behavior, but that’s what forgiveness is all about moving on. I can’t tell you how happy that made me to make peace before the new year started. There is only one other person that was a part of my life that exited it a few years ago that I would like closure with, but it’s been so long I am not sure I am going to get it. I might try one more time to reach out to him this year, but it doesn’t bother me as much as this friendship did because we weren’t as close. Here’s to writing 2 days in a row as well I am going to try and do one entry every day this year.

Deleted user January 02, 2015

This is interesting as it has happened to me as well. You think that a friend is ignoring or treating you awful and then you find out something has happened to them in their life. It perplexes me because I would always keep in touch with friends...but then again, not everyone is the same and I think we forget that sometimes and make it about us when we really don't know if it is or not. I AM HAPPY THAT YOU GOT CLOSURE. I know that it weighs on us, because you and I are sensitive types <3

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ January 02, 2015

Yes I was so happy, things still aren't great because he has a lot to deal with, but he mentioned coming to visit this summer so hopefully he will. You're right we are both sensitive.

Deleted user January 02, 2015

I am glad you were able to have closure with your military friend. That is something I have wished for for for a few years now with my friend Rory. I wish more than anything we could have ended things on good terms.

Bunny Le Poer January 02, 2015

I'm very similar in the way that I need closure in order to completely move on. I'm glad you were able to get some in this situation. Here's hoping you can move forward and become close again.

Always Laughing Bunny Le Poer ⋅ January 02, 2015

thanks I hope we can, Today he went in for a procedure to remove pressure from his brain I am waiting to hear how it went.

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