All of a sudden... in Torridaussity Two

  • Dec. 29, 2014, 10:15 p.m.
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I am overcome with sadness and sit here crying. It is a combination of me being disappointed in myself and also being disappointed in others and they way they treat me and how I let them treat me. I pretend nothing is wrong that I am happy and it’s all a lie. I am blessed I have many things to be thankful for and I am, but deep down inside something is wrong and happiness is just out of reach and I hold it in all that is wrong and every now and then like now it finds a crack and seeps out of me making me breathless and crazed.

Deleted user December 30, 2014

I can SO relate. I think a lot of my issues with sadness and a lack of general unhappiness with life is from my weight gain and just not putting myself first. I need to make myself a priority again.

Deleted user December 30, 2014

Holidays do that to me too, it is reflection and sadness of the memories of lost loved ones. HUGS

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ December 30, 2014

thanks hugs back

Deleted user December 30, 2014

I think we all can relate to this...I am so sorry...hugs and my promised prayers.....I am afraid all ready what the new year will bring us...Randy & I have had 8 years of sadness ..and we know we are blessed and loved...but after Christmas I always struggle.......with facing a new year...feel better soon.........Elizabeth

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ December 30, 2014

thanks and prayers to you too

Deleted user December 30, 2014

Only you can be your own voice, your own champion. You can stop the way people treat you. Sorry that this is a difficult time.

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ December 30, 2014

You are exactly right it's one reason I get mad at myself because if I was strong enough I could walk away

Deleted user Always Laughing ⋅ December 30, 2014

Why don't you walk away though? I don't think you are a weak person at all, I wonder though if you know your true value and worth? If someone is treating you poorly, and they are consistent with that treatment, is there anything positive to hold onto? Can you talk to them and try to fix it? If not, better to let the people that hurt you and make you sad, go. They aren't meant to be in your life.

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ December 30, 2014

I am emotionally addicted to them I guess you could say. I am afraid once I state my needs they will walk away and not want to work things out so that we both can be in a positive place.

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