sisters in Words that Rhyme

  • Dec. 29, 2014, 12:02 p.m.
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macabre photo: Macabre MACABREbyshinyainlace.jpg

here is our house
it’s right by the woods
it’s off by itself
and not in the hood

what neighbors we have
they stay far away
at night when my sisters
come out to go play

out to the forest
the two of them go
they like play naked
devil deeds they do sow

their pretty enough
and lure in the boys
who again never seen
are turned into toys

beware ye young lads
of fair pretty misses
who are not made of sugar
and give poisonous kisses

for even a spider
invites you to bed
and no matter how pretty
you end up as dead

macabre photo: Macabre sexy.jpg

Last updated December 30, 2014

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