New Year & Holiday Cheer in Tea at the Cabin in the Woods

  • Dec. 28, 2014, 2:17 a.m.
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I have been horrible at writing this past year, thinking the new year will be better… wishful thinking.

Our New England Christmas was filled with laughter and family. Both the kids with their loves were with us and everyone got along great! We played a game that had us laughing so hard we cried and nearly wet our pants… That makes for one great celebration.

My D-I-L is now 14 weeks into her pregnancy and has grown a great deal - showing all out front… I am wondering if the due date is wrong. My son told me yesterday that Christmas evening she felt the baby moving for the first time… ah, I think it’s a bit early for that or the date is wrong… anyway, they were very excited and yesterday they had a check up and heard the “Very Strong Heart Beat” as he put it. I know they are excited and anxious at the same time. It’s a huge change and the money will be tight unless he really gets going on pushing the music career. He does have some showcases scheduled for the Folk Alliance gathering in April in Kansas City - and is happy to have been chosen to perform, and he got an Honorable mention at the Teluride Folk/Songwriters Competition. Next year he hopes to win that one. It looks like 2015 is going to be full of new adventures and changes.

Daughter was asked to develop a logo and merchandise for a band that is trying to get moving to a national audience. She said it was about time they asked her to do this. She has been doing art work for several other recording artists in the area lately as well - so maybe she is finally beginning to make this art career a reality. That would be so nice - in so many ways. Her boyfriend is very supportive and encouraging. We like him, and hope she keeps this one.

So hubby has finished his first novel and is now sending out quarry letters to publishers. He subscribed to “Writer’s Market” and has been researching publishing houses to find the right fit. I hope it works for him. It took him 2 years to write the book and I think it’s pretty good - but I asked him to get a couple of other readers since I may be biased. So, two of my friends, both avid readers, are reading it now and hopefully will get back to him soon. We shall see.

This week has also been frustrating in that my nephew has called daily about his wife. She has Bi-polar disorder and doesn’t take medication. She was put on pain killers and meds for ADHD and has gone into a full manic phase, complete with psychosis. She is experiencing visual and auditory hallucinations and talking about bizarre things. I asked him to call the crisis line and have her hospitalized, unless he thinks he can get her back to the base in N. C. (he is an active marine) so she can been seen by a Dr. there. He has taken away her meds to see if that will help as well. I know this is very difficult for him and he fears fro her and their two boys. My brother and SIL are terrified of her, said she gets really angry and lashes out at everyone. I can’t do much for him, but let him know she will okay if they can get her stabilized. What a way to spend the holiday. My heart goes out to both of them.

Anyway, I will end this rant with a wish for all you to have a very safe, fun and happy New Year and may all you dreams become reality.

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