I can't help but still mourn the loss of summer/fall. I'm usually ready for snow at this point, but didn't the warmer seasons seem so short this year? Or maybe I'm just getting older and my perception of time is evolving: everything goes by too fast!
We've been thing global warming has made our falls longer and warmer and dryer - all good things for crops. I agree - sometimes time flies by but sometimes it lags a bit too.
NorthernSeeker ⋅ November 05, 2013
Hi! I happen to be online right now. It snowed about 2 inches. Not impressed.
How was your corn crop this year?
Florentine ⋅ November 05, 2013
I can't help but still mourn the loss of summer/fall. I'm usually ready for snow at this point, but didn't the warmer seasons seem so short this year? Or maybe I'm just getting older and my perception of time is evolving: everything goes by too fast!
woman in the moon Florentine ⋅ November 05, 2013
We've been thing global warming has made our falls longer and warmer and dryer - all good things for crops. I agree - sometimes time flies by but sometimes it lags a bit too.
RoseS ⋅ November 05, 2013
Nice season change photo!