99 problems in In the Nude

  • Dec. 2, 2014, 11:24 a.m.
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  • Public

So I’ve been on Prozac now for about 2 1/2 weeks. I do feel a little better, even call my dr about increasing my dosage, but she wanted to wait another week and take it from there.

Today was the first day that my anxiety started rearing. It’s head again and with good reason. I have a job interview at my current job that I’ve been in close to 6 years. Last year I left for about 6 months to work on the Super Bowl with the program director so my job was temporarily filled. I came back, that kid is still there and they have been molding him for the promotion. It’s an uphill battle and it’s total bullshit. My department has resented me since I’ve been given a lot of opportunity and people get threatened by it.

So now it’s the day before the interview and I was short of breath all day. I didn’t take anything ie, Xanax. Saving that for the actual interview. I need to be calm and sometimes my nerves can get the better of me. Hopefully this won’t be one of those times.

Maya turns 3 on Friday.... My boo-bah, my love, my baby! She is truly my gift from god. Actually, she is what made me believe in god again bc for awhile thee I was mad a him. I was abused in catholic school. I know, who wasn’t, but that abuse effected me throughout my whole life. Now I’ve been working on rebuilding my relationship with god and trying to become a better person. Motherhood has certainly changed me for the better!

Speaking of mommy hood, my crazy face just came in my room because she wanted to give me a kiss. Doesn’t get better than that!

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