All good in Stuff

  • Nov. 23, 2014, 7:22 a.m.
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Oh man, I haven’t had to do that in a loooong time. Wake up to an alarm that is.
I am absolutely the worst when I haven’t had enough sleep. As in, it is physically difficult for me to keep my eyes open. I’d only had around three hours sleep, maybe three and a half when my alarm went off. I’m glad I woke up to it, so I was aware my alarm on my phone had gone off, but I switched it off twice, resetting the alarm for an hour later each time. Before it went off for the third time, I woke up well before it.
I still hadn’t had enough sleep, but I forced myself to get up. I’d decided I’d start work at 11:30am.
I made my breakfast, completely oblivious to the fact I hadn’t even put my Weetbix in the microwave, like I do every morning. I did something else stupid, but can’t remember what it was now. I just knew I hadn’t woken up properly yet.

So I get to work, and the day staff are all surprised to see me. “What the heck are you doing here?”, one girl asked. I wasn’t even sure if I knew her. I might’ve seen her around once ages ago or something. I don’t usually see many of the day staff, unless I start really early, which I certainly was today. An AM starting time for a night-shifter? What is this??

Anyway, of course when I get there, there are NO RF Guns available, as all other staff were using/hiding them, so all my inventory work I was meant to get done was out the window. Ergh. I figured it’s not my problem the guy called in sick and he can deal with it tomorrow. Instead, I attacked the fridge and the freezer and cleaned them up really good. I had to literally punch boxes in the freezer to break them away from being stuck to the other boxes for so long. Who knows who long they’ve been in there! Anyway, I got it all done. Ice from the boxes was melting really fast and water was going all over the shop floor. Not much I could do about that other than put a few ‘wet floor’ signs around me.

It was around 3:30pm and I was almost done the perishables part when the duty manager asked me if I knew we had to strip the cheese fridge completely. I kinda figured someone would have to, as we weren’t filling that because they are up-rooting it and moving it a couple of meters.
The duty manager called me over to that section at 4:30pm as she wanted it done before all the tradies arrived around 6pm. I was just finishing up so I put my stuff away and made my way over there to do that.
I’d finally gotten my hands on an RF Gun, so I could investigate stock. Surprise, surprise, pretty much every count was out. Like WAY out. I did get a lot of work done however, so I’m pretty proud of that. Got all of the freezer inventoried, plus some of the fridge, but I couldn’t do any of the cheese/smallgoods/dips/salmon because it wasn’t being filled until the refit’s completed.
As for groceries, pfft. Didn’t even get to touch it. After stripping the fridge, 6pm rolled around and I decided to head off. I was meant to do a gap-scan and a complete LTO In/Out, but that wasn’t gonna happen unless I was to hang around for another three to four hours.
I’d told myself before work that I’d leave when the store closed, even though my manager said I could work whenever I wanted. When I told the duty manager that, she was like, ‘Well it depends if he can afford you’ and I was like, “I know right, I think he’s been a bit stressed.” So she said she’d text him and see what he said. But it was 6:04pm and I needed to sign off 5 minutes either side of the hour, and I couldn’t find her by that point, so I decided I’d just go home, and if he’s that desperate he can always call me in earlier tomorrow. There was still a fuckload of grocery load to fill, but Jackson was still working til 8 and I’d had enough anyway, really. I’d been there 6.5 hours, that’ll do me. Considering I’m normally there for 5, I think that’s generous enough.
I’ll prob get in trouble for not getting the gap scan does, because let’s face it, upper management will only notice that stuff that hasn’t been done compared to the fuckload of stuff that has been.
I just told the guy manning the door to tell Amy I’d left. Whether he did or not, I dunno. Don’t really care ha. I’d worked hard, I was going home.
I hope my manager’s happy with what I did get today, although the store is such a mess at the moment, no-one will probably even notice. Sigh. I really need an entire full-time, uninterrupted week to get everything looking shpick and span again.
So yeah, holy shit, I worked something like 32 hours this week, which is the most in a while.

It’s kinda scary that my birthday is in like two weeks. Man it’s come around fast! I’ve bought myself a ticket to the preview show of “Briefs”, as I’ve always wanted to see it, and the preview show is cheaper than the main tickets, and it’s on December 3rd, which is the day before my birthday, and I usually have that night off, so why not? Plus one of the actors is completely my type. None of the others are, but hey, one will sell me. I’ll be attending by myself, but that’s nothing unusual for me. I pretty much always attend events alone, on the rare occasion I do treat myself to plays/events/whatevers. I don’t really feel I have close friends I can invite to things like that, plus it’s something that costs money, so it’s just easier to go by myself, enjoy the show, and leave when it’s over. I’m okay with that. I’ve always enjoyed my own company. It’s why I’ve been single for so long, I guess.
I have no idea if that’ll ever change. Maybe. Maybe not. All good.

Last updated November 23, 2014

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