Nnnooo JoMo in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014
- Nov. 22, 2014, 7:29 p.m.
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Surveys! Seen several today so… I’ve stolen a few :)
Are you wearing a hat?
No. I’ve grown to wear more hats these days than I did when I was a kid but… still don’t wear hats often
Bottled water: yes or no?
This is actually a difficult question. I’m against the EXTREME waste of bottled water (the environmental damage and the expense) but… I really don’t like how stupid-mineral-y the water in this state is… so… yeah.
Do you have a crush on someone right now?
The usual. Anymore “crush” means to me “someone with whom you would to engage physically or romance” and… yeah, there are some people in my mind
What kind of laptop do you have?
Toshiba. When we were in the market, they had some of the sturdiest available and… the kind of punishment a law school laptop takes is legendary
Do you prefer writing with pen or pencil?
Pen, provided it is a good pen. Frankly, I don’t like the texture of pencil
Who was the last text message in your phone?
My wife asking me to vacuum
What’s your favorite season?
Autumn, because I love temperatures around 40-60 degrees Fahrenheit… BUT if my itchy is related to the release of plant stuff into the air during autumn… I may have to re-evaluate
Does your best friend have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
No, unfortunately. I love the kid to death but he is 27 and has never had a girlfriend. He tends to compartmentalize and… didn’t want to get involved with someone until he was “stable financially.” Well… he’s 27, has a law degree, lives with his parents… I’ll admit it, I’m worried about him.
Do you like them?
Clearly, this question is not applicable; however… should the day ever come when my “bestie” gets a dame.... I REALLY hope I like her… I REALLY hope she gets along with my wife… and I hope I don’t like her so much that I (even for a moment) entertain the thought of stealing her from him
Favorite radio station?
The River: the local community college has a radio station that is mostly run by donations… but it is a rock station and has the hook up for concerts in the area
Type your name into Google, what’s the first thing that comes up?
HA! Which name?
Birth Name: an IMDB page
Net Name: My actual facebook page
PB Name: DC Comics Database
What’s your favorite song at the moment?
I’ve been listening to a lot of David Guetta lately
Coke or Pepsi?
I’m okay with either. Pepsi is a little sweeter to me (for some reason) but the wife strongly prefers Coke
Favorite subject in school?
Last concert?
311 with opening act Pepper
Next concert?
There are tons of concerts in my area; but expense and time dictate it likely won’t happen
Last magazine you bought?
Sports Illustrated when Junior Seau died
Last book you read?
DUNE by Frank Herbert
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
DOGS! Dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs.
Is there someone you want to punch right now?
No one in particular; but my anger issues are always boiling under the surface so.... the more honest answer would be “yes, most people.”
Favorite sports team?
San Diego Chargers, LA Lakers, LA Dodgers, New Jersey Devils
State you most want to visit?
Colorado. I’ve never been but a lot of my friends now live there and my wife LOVES to ski; in fact her middle name is literally the city in Colorado where her parents used to ski all the time.
Are you a facebook addict?
It pains me to admit this but.... absolutely! Between news, keeping up with friends, and trying to start conversations that lead to crowd-sourcing? Yes.
When do you shower?
Whenevs. I used to shower a lot in the mornings; but now that I am trying to work out more.... whenever “after my workout” means
What’s your dream job?
I’d love to be a District Attorney. However, I’d say… in a perfect world?
I’d own The Bronze nightclub… yes, a nightclub designed on the one from Buffy… while in my free time writing Comic Book scripts and playing video games
What kind of car do you drive?
2011 Honda Civic
What word in the dictionary best describes you?
Lights on or off?
I likey lights off unless you really need them to see
Are you a better listener or talker?
Used to be a better listener but lately- I’m worried I’m a better talker
Do you care about who wins the election?
Yes. And… it pains me to say the following. Since I was born, my political landscape has been REGAN, BUSH, CLINTON, BUSH, OBAMA.... that means in 30 years of life… that means in 8 elections, we have only had 4 different families represented. I cannot in good conscience vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. As that would mean in 9 elections, we would still only have 4 different families represented. That brings us THAT much closer to an aristocracy… we need people in the White House with varying backgrounds, different experiences… we need to get BACK to representative government
Who was the most popular kid in 7th grade?
Fuckin’ Johnny Wood. The kid looked like Mike Judge’s character Butthead had somehow merged with Ben Savage to form a strangely semi-attractive douchebag who was passionately obsessed with Kurt Cobain
Are you afraid of ghosts?
Somewhat. The concept of a ghost seems more frightening than the presence of a ghost. I mean… ghost happens- what up, spooky? But think about what a ghost means… that your spirit, the eternal part of you, is still stuck on this planet… unable to affect the course of the planet… just watching it continue on. The powerlessness, the hopelessness… ::shudder:: If there is no “Great Beyond” I’d rather believe we’re worm food than believe I’d come back as a ghost.
Is there something lacking in your life right now?
Will power enough for me and my wife; passion- both physical and emotional; and of course… the ability to see my family during the holidays
What do you miss most about childhood?
Cultural Events. Plays, concerts, and a number of other things were a big part of my childhood that I can no longer afford or find time for.
How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test?
The Learner’s Permit took twice. Actual license test took once.
Do you drink alcohol?
Yes, sometimes too often. I’ll be drinking FAR less of it these next 3 months as I prepare for the bar exam.
Do you do drugs?
Only the Rx drugs that allegedly stave off the pain. They won’t give me anything heavy for that either as, since I’m always in pain and will be for the rest of my life, they don’t want to risk an opiate addiction. I keep trying to tell them I would be an amazing Dr. House but… no takers.
Are you a good liar?
Incredibly good. The sad thing is… sometimes I’ll be speaking, say a lie, and even in my head I’ll say “Why did I do that? There was no reason to conceal the truth!”
Can you cook?
YesNoMaybe. I keep trying, does that count?
Are you a cheapskate?
Honestly no. I grew up with frugal parents who were willing to spend the money when the time was right. My wife is frugal who is willing to spend the money only if we have to. So, by default, I live a more “cheapskate life” but… had I the money and freedom- I would always put quality over price.
What would you do with a million dollars?
Only one million? I’d have to assume that this was a million AFTER taxes, otherwise it would be considerably less than a million. Buy the wife a new car ($20k), put $80k into my savings account for Law School payments, put $100k into my niece’s college fund, earmark about $100k for bribe money to get myself a D.A. job, put $100k into a separate checking account JUST for comic books, divide $100k between my three closest law school friends to help them with their loans, $100k set aside to help my wife with whatever she wants her “next step in life” to be, and finally? Take the last and divide it between charities and diverse investments.
Have you ever been to Disneyworld?
Yes, twice. Though I don’t remember the first time and only slightly remember the seccond
How much time do you spend online?
If you include Netflix and video games… I’d say more than 70%
Last time you went bowling?
Several years ago. A big thing to do in Iowa but not as big in Nebraska, it seems.
Hot or cold weather?
Cold Weather. I’m weird. Cold weather is much much worse for my pain management; but I sweat so easily and in such copious amounts, I’d prefer pain
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
It used to be a lot more, but my wife loves downsizing. I think I have (including boots, work shoes, and running shoes) 5 or 6 pairs
Are you a shop-a-holic?
No, not at all. As much as I enjoy acquiring and possessing… shopping too often devolves into something unpleasant
Where were you yesterday at 10:30?
I was at work conducting paper-reviews of inmates that were going to be charged with felony crimes
Are you afraid of the dentist?
No, not afraid. However, as current US economic analyses continue to prove, the dentist is one of the first medical expenses people ditch when money gets tight
Do you make wishes at 11:11?
Sometimes; when the wife is around. She’ll usually say “eleven eleven, make a wish!”
Do you trust people?
People are bastard coated bastards made of bastard filling. But I like to trust everyone on meeting them with just enough… give them enough rope and see what they do with it. If they hang themselves- alright then; but some people will just say “Huh, rope. Like… jump rope, or climbing, or… what do you want to do with this rope?”
Who was the last person in your bedroom?
I just was… counting shoes. Yeah… I just did that for the question above
Be honest, do you generally like people:
No. People tend to be judgmental, stubborn, unwilling to compromise, oafish, and over all… I do tend to think humans have more in common with Viral Outbreaks than with Animal Colonies
Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?
Cry over the truth. Smiling through a lie may buy time; but crying over the truth allows you to move forward
Who was the last person you got into an argument with?
My wife. Probably about some little thing or other
If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
Provided I would never have to worry about expenses? Small village in Ireland
Does it take a lot to make you cry?
I used to cry at the drop of a hat; but anymore? I don’t cry as much. Sometimes, I’ll feel the need to cry… just… take whatever’s in me and let it out through crying.... and I’ll set up a song playlist of all the most depressing songs I know and/or songs that remind me of shitty times in my past… and I’ll let myself cry.... but it doesn’t really happen spontaneously anymore
What was your last text message about?
Chores and Honey-Do lists
What’s your first thought when your alarm goes off?
What day is it?
Do you send out Christmas cards?
I want to and feel I need to, but I don’t really.
How soon do you start shopping?
December 1. Every month has its own purpose and I refuse to be consumed with worry or struggle over the END of December until December has at least had the chance to start
Who do you shop for?
Parents, Parents In Law, Brother, SIL, Niece, Wife, Cousin Gift Exchange, In Law Cousin Gift Exchange, Extended Cousin Gift Exchange
Do you put up a Christmas tree?
My wife has this tiny plastic one we put up; I miss the live large trees of my youth
Do you like tinsel?
Never had any, likely never will
Do you put up Christmas lights outside of your house?
No, but that’s because I’ve never had a house.
Is there a wreath hanging on your door?
No, I prefer not to adorn apartment doors
What’s your favorite Christmas movie?
Batman Returns… that and Nightmare Before Christmas are the only two movies I own that take place over Christmas I think
What’s your favorite Christmas song?
Christmas Is a Comin’ by Bing Crosby. It cannot officially be winter until I have heard that song!
Eggnog or cider?
EGGNOG! NOM NOM NOM!! There is a company called Anderson/Erickson that makes A-MAY-ZING eggnog, but the company doesn’t distribute in Nebraska and I miss it so much! Plus… my dad makes a mean very alcoholic eggnog on Christmas morning
Ham or turkey?
Turkey. Traditionally, a goose is better for Christmas Dinner; but Turkey is healthier. Of course, Christmas Eve we always revert back to our (I’ve been told) Welsh tradition of Oyster Stew
White lights or colored lights?
I’ve been partial to colored lights; but lately my dad has been doing a lot of impressive things just using white lights
Blinking lights or still?
STILL… blinking lights always seem too busy
Were you naughty or nice this year?
Nice enough to get presents
When do you open your gifts?
Christmas morning(!) Funny thing is, I thought this was a long standing tradition but recently my mom told me that her family opened on Christmas Eve. Hrm.
Do you like wrapping gifts?
I’m not allowed to anymore. Apparently, like so many things around the house, I do it wrong.
Do you put change in those red buckets?
When I have change; the slow death of cash transactions in the modern world make me worry about things like that
Do you bake cookies?
I don’t, no; but this year I may try to just because… the apartment is small enough that whatever the kitchen smells like creates an olfactory miasma in the entire apartment
Have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe?
No. But then again- I’ve never gone out of my way for that experience either
Do you drive around looking at Christmas lights?
I don’t do so on my own; but my parents often do, and I like doing that with them
Do you go caroling?
Not anymore. I used to when I was much younger… back when I was a cute little blonde boy with a good singing voice. Puberty does strange things, man
Have you ever had a white Christmas?
Many, probably most. Not all. I’ve always spent Christmas in a place where it was at least a high probability of a White Christmas, though
Deleted user ⋅ November 22, 2014
Stealing :)
QueSeraSera ⋅ November 23, 2014
I may do this too ! I can see this person is big into Christmas. I happen to love Christmas! I move all decking the halls with bounds of holly -- lol :)
Fawkes Gal ⋅ November 25, 2014
I've stolen the Christmas portion of your survey from someone else, but I'm waiting until December to post it. Gotta give poor Thanksgiving a chance.
Colored lights all the way!