Well...Yeah. in meh...
- Nov. 16, 2014, 7:37 p.m.
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Daughter and gbaby left a little while ago.
She left here with an attitude and I’m concerned because she is going back to where she is staying and I don’t want any issues for her.
The kids dad came to pick them up and his presence annoyed the hell out of me. Then he started saying stuff and annoyed me further. Baby was asleep which means he will be up and I didn’t want that for him. My daughter with an attitude plus non-sleepy kiddo equals bigger attitude and yelling and we’re back to where we were.
I wanted to talk to her, give her some guidelines but I didn’t feel like the huffing and puffing. I wrote her a note and put it in her purse. She was filling out applications but it was more Twitter & Facebook that I saw. She slept till damn near noon Saturday and today. And I wondered if this is what she does. I know when I got up at 2a to take a leak she was awake and talking on the phone probably to some little dirty dude.
Her priorities are screwed up.
Anyway, I wrote her a note telling her, suggesting that she get herself on a real schedule. Switch her classes from afternoon to day, be out of that house as much as possible so no one can say anything to her. Job hunt after school. If she wants to make it on her own, she has to depend on no one for anything because the ultimate goal is to be independent.
She has more tattoos. I told her those are luxuries and she ought to be saving her money.
I’m drained again. If I had a car, gbaby could stay. My daughter…::sighs::
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