In the Life Log - Days 3 and 4 in JY 2025

  • March 20, 2025, 9:18 a.m.
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I wasn’t able to journal yesterday as I suddenly got a really bad headache around mid-afternoon; probably due to only having 6 hours of sleep Tuesday night. Then again, the humidity and temperature have both been crazy lately. Thankfully I was able to get extra shuteye so I felt better when I woke up this morning. Had weird dreams again, but nothing disturbing. None of the bad 3 were had + didn’t have to take my anti-panic medicine as well so I’m thankful.

Work yesterday and today were manageable, bordering on chill, even. I only had one new request come my way earlier and it was a straightforward one pager so it didn’t even take 5 minutes to turn around. The rest of my day was spent being idle - which is a good transition to the end of week, especially since I’ll be onsite tomorrow for a seminar.

Earlier’s routine was shoulders + triceps. I trained 1 hour earlier than usual so as expected, the gym was packed. I was able to proceed with my routine smoothly in spite of. Pump and strength were good, and my right shoulder also cooperated with me yay. Post-workout cardio was on the treadmill once more and it was easy-peasy.

Nothing to complain about, really. Looking forward to a smooth end of the week.

Average rating for the past two days: 8/10

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