In the Life Log - Day 362 in My Musings

  • March 14, 2025, 10 a.m.
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Today was a great day. I was able to sleep somewhere in the lines of 7-ish hours. I did have a set of weird dreams again (it’s getting too frequent imo), but thankfully nothing disturbing. As always, I had none of the bad 3 and didn’t have to take my anti-panic medicine as well so the streak goes on!

Work was very light today to the point that I decided to workout around 1 p.m for a change. Just to be safe, I connected my MS Teams and Outlook in my personal phone just so I don’t lose track of important messages/emails. Surprisingly, none came my way - but I’m certainly not complaining. As expected, there were only 4 of us gymgoers so I was able to proceed with my leg workout easily. Pump and strength were really good. Post-workout cardio on the treadmill was also easy-peasy. When I returned home, I only responded to a couple emails. Afterwards, I studied Japanese to catch-up on Wednesday’s lesson, but I feel my consciousness is fading away from exhaustion.

Just like that, we are done with the 2nd week of March. Looking forward to getting a bit more rest tomorrow; I’m quite certain that my legs will be sore tomorrow lol.

Overall rating for the day: 10/10

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