Grateful for WIC, walking our cat at the park in Life of a Mama Cat

  • March 10, 2025, 2:44 p.m.
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 Where I have a high risk pregnancy I am 4 months pregnant anything I do is exhausting including getting groceries. Today I was sent to the store by mom for toilet paper and plastic silverware. Today I bought fruit, vegetables,peanut butter,milk and juice using WIC. You have no idea how idea how grateful I am for this program. My family and I eat so much healthier now.  I know this program is really helping my baby be healthier and I am so grateful. 

 I don't have to food stamps but I wonder if arrangements will be made by the government so people cant buy junk foods. I do love the idea of snap paying for seeds and plants to teach people to grow their own food.

 I have a Dr appointment in 2 days to check on the baby. I hope it's still healthy and thriving. I really hope I get to find the gender of the baby soon. I am still waiting on those test results.

 Today my husband and I are going to my mom's house we are going to organize her garage and if I have the energy for it I plan to fix the lights in the garbage.

My husband and I plan to take Cinder to the soccer complex and walk him on a leash down some of the local trails. In case you are wondering this is a cat who loves car rides and adventures. We keep him on a leash for his safety from dogs. We even carry a cat carrier on our back in case dogs get to close we put Cinder up for his safety. My other cats prefer to stay inside my house. We only do what they are comfortable with. Cinder loves going to moms and playing in her yard while we clean and work on moms home. Cinder is right now meowing and knocking on the door trying to tell me and my husband he is ready to go outside now!

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