Processing in The Kid Used To Dream

  • March 1, 2025, 7:39 a.m.
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It’s like the cliche - “It’s not you, it’s me!”

Or is it?

Maybe, it’s all involved. It’s everyone.

Lately, I have gotten caught up in how political happenings have been effecting everyone around me. How could everyone be right and wrong at the same time? Do we really know what’s going on? Did one side really fleece us and make us believe they were the voices of reason? Does the other side care how their anger about it is affecting the rest of us?

My grandad always said they are all on the same side. They feed off our division so we’ll keep sending them to DC. If we could see behind closed doors we’d see them working out how to keep the facade of division going and how to use the media to fuel it so we can’t see the truth. He came from a generation that believed in United we stand; divided we fall. Maybe, we fell already and the lie is to keep us from noticing.

One side acts so angry and the other side acts cocky and sure they are the nation’s salvation. I see both sides doing the same thing in 2 different ways - using us to prop up their agendas and feeding their financial cash cow.

…which brings me to processing.

I’ve determined I’m not losing sleep nor friends over this bullcrap! If they can’t see the stupidity in what’s happening then let their blind selves walk into a wall. We’re all getting played like a cheap fiddle. I often wondered why the mob wasn’t as visible as they used to be - then it dawned on me - the crime families figured it was legal to operate as an elected official. You keep paying us and we’ll keep you safe. Well who is the opposition to a crime family? A business owner! That’s why the billionaires are siding with the administration that is gutting the agencies from running and feeding the other side. But, are they hindering business? I don’t think so - I think they are creating an avenue to keep the masses in a frenzy to hide whatever it is they are really doing to keep us out of the loop. The one side needed the woke crowd to enter the game so they put their cause on a pedestal. That fueled and woke up the moderate conservative that stopped participating in the elections when the TEA party lost its way - ultimately being renamed MAGA.

You see, they all take turns feeding off of our emotions when they know that at some point we’ll figure out - we really don’t need them to the extent they make us think we do.

“Hi, I’m someone who tries to live according to the Christian faith - I miss the mark a lot…but, I see you’re wearing a shirt that says ‘PROUD and ATHEIST’,” I wouldn’t dare try to talk them out of what they stand for or into what I believe for me - but would like to know who THEY are. What difficulties do THEY have? What’s their name? Where did they grow up? How difficult was it?

I bet over time we’d realize someone with a lot of money and power has been feeding us the lies that we don’t want to know one another - we want to hate one another!

I’m gonna start investing in the person across from me - not the hat they are wearing. I want to know the person - not their political theories. I want to find myself sitting next to someone who’s my complete opposite and they not feel threatened by my world view or spiritual beliefs…can we do it without taking advantage of one another? That’s the question. The moment someone takes advantage of what true unconditional love looks like -we are right back where we started.

Process that!

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