Mom fat comment, mom struggles, my medical problems in Life of a Mama Cat

  • Feb. 27, 2025, 11:07 p.m.
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My mom made the comment that she is fat like me and she needs to lose weight. I looked at her and asked her exactly tell me what you meant by that. She said she shouldn't look 3 months pregnant that I should and she feels uncomfortable having a similar figure as her pregnant daughter. As you can tell Mom has body dysmorphic disorder. I told her do me a favor Sophia Petrillo quit talking! I was so irritated with her. I almost told her like Dorothy I would send my mom to Shady Pines if she doesn't stop talking..

 My mom decided to try to pay her own bill instead of me doing it. She tried to call Mutual of Omaha instead of calling MetLife about her insurance. Mutual of Omaha told her she called the wrong company they are not MetLife. She kept telling them they were wrong and she was right. I walked in told her to listen to the agent instead argue she will see the called the wrong company. She tried to argue with me. I told her see why I pay your damn bills and you don't? I apologize to the agent. I offered to do it online mom said she can do it herself. I tried to give her dignity and give her the opportunity. She tried to call Mutual of Omaha back. I took the phone dialed MetLife for her. After several minutes of her struggling she managed to pay one bill I could of paid for in seconds. Due to her schizoeffective most of the time I pay all her bills and run all her chores for her.  After her mental breakdown in  2018 she is still unable to care of herself without assistance. Most of the time she does well but sometimes it's like her brain simply shuts down and she doesn't understand. That's why she lives with me and my husband. She no longer hears voices but sometimes she needs help with basic life skills. She really has improved over the years.

 My mom was a psych nurse for 45 years before she retired. I trust my mom with my shots because she is good enough psychologically to be trusted. She hasn't heard any voices in years.  I asked my mom to teach me to give myself shots so I can administer the blood thinner medication myself. My mom refuses to teach me because she values the responsibility and enjoys helping me care for my pregnancy. Mom brags to her sister's how nice it is to give shots again. I let Mom have this because it helps her feel appreciated.

 Tomorrow I have a Drs appointment. They are concerned with my sleep apnea during pregnancy. The Dr is making arrangements to check on the baby and hopefully me quit breathing in my sleep hasn't effected the baby's health.

 I got to go to work at 9 in the morning in order to go my appointment at 3:30. I hope I hear good news..

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