OMG! We're So Happy! in YES YES YES!
- Feb. 14, 2025, 10:29 a.m.
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Our little cat used to love sleeping in bed with us, sooner or later she’d get in and snuggle down, singing away and kissing and cuddling us then for some unknown reason she completely stopped for several months, preferring instead to kip in the livingroom so we put a spare duvet down for her and in winter/cold weather we’d make her up a hot water bottle on the duvet and she’d lay on it.
We didn’t know if we’d accidentally scared her or worried her, or if it was something about the room or bed she took a dislike too but each and every night just before bed we’d tell her she’s welcome back with us anytime. She knows, because she’s clever!
I got up around 2am for a drink and said to her ‘’come on then, come to bed with mummy and daddy!’’ She didn’t but she tilted her head like she knew what I was saying so I blew her a big kiss and went back to sleep.
About 5:15am I woke up to see she’s jumped onto my hubby/her daddy in bed and was snuggled into him! Then she came between us and we had a jolly good kissing and cuddling session with her!
I left her sleeping on the bed cushion this morning and made her up another hot water bottle and put her breakfast bowl on the bed before going to work!
It was so lovely to have her back with us again!