NJM07 in NoJoMo 2104
- Nov. 8, 2014, 12:35 a.m.
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So. Things. Stuff.
I’m on a steroid dosepak right now because of pain. It’s pretty bad. Otherwise, I’d be all tough and just ignore it. I usually don’t have too many side effects from it, but right now, I’m sitting here feeling like I’m about to jump out of my own skin. It feels like everything under my freckles is vibrating. Bizarre.
I finally got my “annual” evaluation at work yesterday. I put that in quotes because it’s been 2 1/2 years since my last evaluation. I did well, and will be getting the maximum raise. A big ole whopping 2%. Retroactive, of course. I do believe they were going to try to give me just the 2% for both years they are in arrears, but I gave my boss a heaping helping of NOPE. I asked them to please give me the 2% raise for June 2013 to June 2014. And then to use that new base as the starting point for my 2% raise for this year, retroactive to June. She looked at me like I’d sprouted horns out the top of my head. Sooooo, we went and talked to HER supervisor, who agreed with me that it was what I deserved, but said she would have to clear it with the CEO. Okay. Fine. But, I feel I’ve been patient long enough. Show me the money, or I will walk. For reals, y’all!
My new daughter-in-law asked me what she is supposed to call me. Do I want to be called “Mom” or “MS MyLastName” or “MissJae” or what? I told her that I just sort of assumed she would call me what she has always called me, but she said it seemed a little mean to call her mother-in-law “Evil, Soul-Sucking Bitch”.
Naw, I’m kidding about that. She didn’t say that. Not out loud, anyway. Heh. She’s just going to keep calling me what she’s comfortable with: Jae.
You wouldn’t believe how many people have asked me if Lindsay’s pregnant. I guess elopements often make people wonder. When asked, I always just say that there has been no announcement of pregnancy. That way, if they decide to surprise us over the holidays, it will look like I had advance knowledge, won’t it? And if they aren’t, I still look like I knew all along! Heh. Either way between you and me…I didn’t ask, I don’t know, and I don’t care. If she is, then fine…one more grandbaby to love. If she isn’t, then fine…it’s not like I have a shortage of grandbabies, is it?
I am a little lonely and missing people tonight. I need to just…I dunno. Go visit somebody. You, maybe?
I’m really sleepy. But still jumpin’ and jivin’ under my skin. Too damned weird. Maybe a hot bath will help.
Last updated November 08, 2014
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