Busy Week in Hello

  • Feb. 4, 2025, 1:34 a.m.
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1:16 AM
For a few good days I’ve been asleep before midnight. Last night I stayed up reading. Today (Monday the 3rd) I had to wait around the house. Mom had her once a month care provider drop by and do her thing. Meanwhile the plumber was supposed to be here between 8 AM and noon. Unfortunately something happened and they’ve rescheduled for Thursday.

Tuesday I see the psychiatrist and I will tell her from the start at the first mention of God or prayer I’m out the fucking door without paying. Just give me my ‘script and I’ll be on my way. After, I’m getting my taxes done.

Wednesday I get to pick one of the cats to go to the vet.

In the meantime I replied to an interview set up for a machinist position in Decatur. 40 minute drive in easy traffic. We’ll see.

Then next Monday I have to take Mom to the eye doctor. That reminds me I need to make an app with Doc Sabio so she can see him tomorrow afternoon if possible. Her new insurance went into effect the first. She’s having trouble huffing and puffing while walking. I’m afraid her oxygen levels have dipped below 90% again.

I finished all ten books of Y: The Last Man over the weekend. Decent read. The ending with Yorick escaping from the straight jacket was pretty funny. Context: he’s an amateur escape artist.

I’m…way deep into Invincible Compendium Two. Damn near read forty issues today. Mark Grayson aka Invincible is an interesting character especially with his alien father Omni-Man. I really enjoy the dynamic of those two. Makes me really want to watch the cartoon. Plus the Star Trek parody crew are funny when they pop up in the space parts of the stories. They’re modeled Next Generation Star Trek (Cap Picard and crew for the uninitiated) but they act like Zap Brannigan from Futurama. Everything they touch turns to shit lmao. Cecil Stedman is a two-faced, secret government asshole but I think his character is enduring especially being just a human trying to keep the world together from super villains and alien threats. I’m at the part now where Las Vegas was destroyed in a massive explosion and turned into a sheet of glass and Invincible breaks the guy responsible out of super prison. All that and I love seeing Savage Dragon pop up from time to time as it is an Image comic book. I used to watch the cartoon religiously back in the mid 90’s.

Anyways, I’m going to try and sleep now.

Oh ya!
It got up to 74 F today (23.3 C.)
Ended up grilling chicken and having a salad with it for dinner. 🤤

Last updated February 04, 2025

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