Warnings in Dreams in 2020s
Revised: 12/20/2024 6:19 a.m.
- Nov. 13, 2024, 5 a.m.
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My dream about my dad getting us into a car wreck, along with the toenail dream, turned out to mean something after all seeing that I lost the crown I mentioned. I went to the dentist’s site last night and, luckily, was able to make an appointment for the 21st. They didn’t have anything sooner. Thankfully, I’m not in any pain because otherwise, I’d be out of options. Aspen Dental does emergency walk-ins, but we’d have to pay full price.
Guess who’s napping in the closet now? Yeah, a cute little rat, LOL.
Finally saw the driver of the red car, which Tom says has Florida plates. The person looked older, and although it was hard to tell in the dark, I don’t think it was Ray. I’m starting to wonder if one of his kids owns the truck and drove down with some of his belongings. Maybe Ray flew down and bought a new car with Florida plates, but the man I saw looked skinnier than I remember Ray to be. I could be wrong, but I’m starting to suspect something may have happened to him. Irma confirmed he has a son and daughter. A man owns the truck, and I swear I saw a woman in the passenger seat once. Maybe Ray is subletting to these people, though it seems odd. The older man getting out of the car seemed a bit too old to be his son, so if that’s not Ray, I wonder if something happened to him. I’d hate for the place to go on the market before we get out of here, especially with there being an excellent chance of the buyer having a motorcycle, and if they have a yappy dog…
Last updated January 18, 2025
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