Prompt thingie 25 in The Awesome Chronicles of me.

  • Nov. 25, 2024, 1:38 p.m.
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I think i am going to audible and go for an older prompt:

This prompt: Favorite simple pleasure?

This has not changed. Its cola products. Coke/Mountain dew whatever. I know its not the healthiest but i dont care. Its good and it satisfies me after a meal. And besides, no one has ever been arrested for drinking a can of Coca-cola and driving. (I honestly am a huge teetotaler, and anymore I don’t care for booze culture, and thats come up more and more)

But give me a good can of Coca-cola (Name brand, that is one thing I am snobbish about, i dont like generic cola products) any day.

I get my civolution today. I hope its all complete, because there have been some production issues.

and watch this glorious  victory of the Green bay packers.

This prompt was ALSO Silly. :)

Keelah Se'lai.


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