2017 in My Bio

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January 2017

Jan 1
Mary dumped me after informing me that someone informed her that I was supposedly talking about her unfairly in my blog. By this time I wasn’t surprised, but it still angered me that I was used for so many years just to be dumped in the end.

Jan 20
For $175 our hot water tank is fixed. The thermocouple went out and the Sears guy replaced it.

Jan 26
Won an issue of a rat magazine based in Canada on Facebook.

February 2017

Feb 1
Had a case of food poisoning and puked for the first time in nearly 20 years.

Feb 17
Really like a website I found that generates random names for story characters.

My story Locked-In is done at just under 18,000 words!

March 2017

Mar 17
Hoping to adapt to sleeping to Sense’s sound machine, though I may have to use the louder one when sleeping during the daytime.

Mar 31
Slept with Pink Noise an Amazon Prime relaxation track I set to repeat. Hoping all I’ll need for sleep is Alexa. Trying to do more on fewer devices.

April 2017

Apr 2
Rosemarie’s Revenge is my CampNaNoWriMo project, but I’m also working on Kinky Kathleen and Someone Else’s Lady.

May 2017

May 17
In just a little over two months, I have finished The People Project where I give a brief blurb on everyone I can remember knowing/meeting.

May 25
Starting Clonidine soon for help with ADD/sleep and yes, anxiety too, should it rear its ugly head once again.

Jun 3
Definitely done with the Clonidine. It knocked me out but caused me to sleep shitty as hell. No more meds other than the two I take!

Jun 20
TSH is 16. Ugh! That’s due to the skips but it was necessary to curb my anxiety.

Jun 21
I don’t know if I’m looking at a whole new problem or not, but both my red and white blood cell counts are high. Seeing the doctor later.

Jun 29
Still struggling with hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. Took my first dose of Amberen. So far so good, though it might have made me drowsy.

July 2017

Jul 11
Maliheh’s email account was hacked by someone pushing weight loss products. Surprised she still has me in her contacts after all this time.

Jul 16
Love that I found a way to block a few people that have blocked me on Facebook! Now if they ever unblock me they still won’t see my account.

Jul 18
Met Mary who lives in the back corner of the circle. She stopped to ask me what was going on with all the street digging. Joy said they’re in the final phase of redoing their irrigation system after four years and it’s going to go on another week and a half.

Jul 20
Sent a message to Scot B on Facebook.

August 2017

Aug 1
Scot blocked me. Why, I do not know.

Aug 3
Discovered Grammarly! It may not be perfect but I love watching my stories and journals get more and more correct as I go through them.

September 2017

Sep 7
TSH is 15! This proves that perimenopause really is the root cause of my anxiety, even though the medication can still fuel it.

Sep 20
Getting a mouthguard and two partial crowns for $600 total. Was great seeing the dental team despite the costs, especially Kathleen.

October 2017

Oct 17
Accidentally pulled a crown out while flossing. Took the dentist just 5 minutes to re-crown me.

Oct 19
TSH is 6.75!

Oct 27
My very first “real” journal entry is 30 years old today!

November 2017

Nov 3
Reconnected with Kim but not Aly. Having fun catching up via DM on Twitter.

Nov 17
Making one last-ditch effort to try to combat the problem with traffic waking me up with a $25 pillow sound machine. Fingers crossed!

Nov 19
Getting new windows for the bedroom as I’ve had it with this shit. Ruining my peace is one thing, stealing my sleep is another.

Nov 27
Stepping into Psycho is now finished with just under 24K words!

December 2017

Dec 2
So SO fucking pissed and so fucking tired of dealing with the same old health issues year after year. My white blood cell count is slightly elevated, my cholesterol is bad, and my TSH jumped from 6 to 11. WTF? How???

Dec 4
Back from my PCP appt. She wants me to see a hematologist. :(

Aly made my day by tweeting me a birthday wish, though not directly. While I found it a bit odd that she didn’t tweet directly to me, I really appreciate the birthday wish!

Dec 8
Thrilled to hear from Aly!

So glad I never met with Marie in 2010 as I’ve come to realize just how fucked-up she is. She didn’t do anything to me but I had an interesting chat with her ex. I’ll always care about her but she is really screwed up probably beyond help.
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Last updated January 17, 2025

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