I feel sick in Each Day
- Oct. 28, 2024, 2:15 a.m.
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Like, not ill. Like something is eating away at me from the inside. Like a vague nausea. Like anxiety and depression and hopelessness and ungratefulness and rage and this desperate aching desire to feel fucking Normal.
Whatever that is.
I went for breakfast with Red and Mandy today. They complained about their husbands, and I quietly felt grateful that M is doing better these days. I told him not long ago that the him he is these days is the closest to the him I fell in love with. 18 years is a long time, so I would never expect us to be the same people... but to have the darkness lifted from him has been everything.
Why can't it be enough?
When I met Mandy at the door of the restaurant we greeted each other cheerily, and she asked me how I was, and without a beat I was like, "Oh, not good." She said, "Oh no! Would you like some compression?" And held her arms open. I should have taken the hug, but I was so preoccupied with how slick offering "compression" is instead of a hug that I didn't even realize I didn't answer her until later. I didn't elaborate on my not-good-ness until later in the meal when the topic turned to me (on the tail of weaponized incompetence). I said, "well my psychologist has made a note on my file that I'm dealing with suicidal ideation". I talked about some work bullshit, and feeling ungrateful for the life I have and they corrected my thinking in the ways we all know how depression and ideation lies to us.
When I was talking to Tina and tried to express how bad things were getting (ideation is daily, thoughts of cutting daily, no plan, no action, but it is crippling). She told me she was going to make a formal note in my file, a flag for my doctor to see, maybe she and I can come up with a new med plan, or something. She asked me a few questions and fucked if I can remember a single one, but I remember one answer, "Functionally no, emotionally yes". As in I don't want to deal with the process of trying to kill myself, but emotionally I cannot tolerate existing.
Friday I had to go into the office to print notes for a presentation I was giving to another unit, and I ran into another one of my supervisors. He said, "I need to talk to you about your leave", and when we were in his office he told me that I was not allowed to take the whole week. I had to be at work on the Wednesday to escort a group of kids. I explained that my leave plan was submitted before I was asked to be the escort. That I had brought it up AS SOON AS I knew I was tasked. That I was told that I could find someone else to do it on the day, but to run with the planning. He told me the big boss *really* wants me on this one. For some fucking reason.
sarahbaby. ⋅ October 30, 2024
Shit. This is so fucking heavy. I’m so so sorry 🫂