October 21 are American's sleepwalking into a dictatorship? in Scott

  • Oct. 21, 2024, 9:22 p.m.
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It’s something I’ve read smarter people than me wonder about and their wondering and talking about it has made me think about it. I used to think that maybe it was just extreme talk, but now I truly believe there is a possibility that we could be sleepwalking into a dictatorship.

Americans can do this by normalizing the insanity and lies of Trump and his people. Normalizing laughing off his crazy bullshit being in denial that that son of a bitch is not well in the head. The mass media giving him a free pass with every crazy stupid shit thing he says and does. Maybe it’s because he was a president a few years ago and a very, very terrible one that people forget about. Short memories. And then he lies to cover it up and people believe him. Because he was a president. He often gets a free pass. He’s become an acceptable village idiot that people are constantly forgiving and making excuses for. He’s entertainment closed in politics so many do not see that so many are in denial of what will happen if he becomes president again.It has been noted that dangerous fool he is his vice presidential pick is even more dangerous because he is not totally insane but he has some insane ideas.

I suspect there is much sexism misogyny in this election. Racism as well. So many men, I believe, feel threatened by a strong, highly intelligent woman. And a black woman at that. There seems for some to be an attitude of vote for the idiot because he’s a male and better than the alternatives. I hope Americans are beyond that.

As for dictatorship and fascism, I believe there is much denial about it and ignorance as well. Because fascist don’t look like the Maga people or Trump they don’t look like Hitler’s people. Inside they do. They are getting bolder wearing uniforms with swastikas and fascism, I believe there is much denial about it and ignorance as well. Because fascist don’t look like the Maga people or Trump they don’t look like Hitler’s people. Inside they do. They are getting bolder wearing uniforms uniforms with swastikas and sometimes those hoods. Many ignore Trump‘s violent rhetoric because he comes off as a fool that we all seem to know. A harm the guy that tried to overthrow the government once. I do believe there is that very dangerous view that “it can’t happen here“. It can. It starts with ignoring it and denial. Complacency and apathy. An attitude of things have always worked out somehow and they always will no matter what buffoon leads the USA.

I suspect that Hitler coming to power was enabled by people shrugging him off as just some big mouthed fool. That was a big part of the danger. People were asleep to his rise to power just as they seem to be to Trump and the right wing now. They call themselves Republicans, but those that have deserted the party do so because that is not the Republican party anymore. It’s demagoguery.

I’m sure that is Hitler was rising to power people just shrugged it off as so many are doing now. Just a fool that can’t gain power, but he did because so many people were in denial of his power. Just as so many are of the power, the hateful, angry power of Trump and Maga.

I am not apathetic, nor am I hysterical as some consider us to be those that wonder if the USA is sleepy, walking into a dictatorship. There is history that shows how it is done and it looks so much like that history is repeating. That is not hysteria that is anxiety because of knowledge of what can happen and could happen here in the USA.

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