Whatever in 2020s

  • Oct. 15, 2024, 3 a.m.
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Walmart still isn’t delivering until Friday. Tom’s going to run out to the store before the AC people arrive tomorrow. My schedule is, as usual, not good for this but at least I’m caught up on sleep and feeling relatively energized. I like the hum of the portable ACs, though it’s definitely more humid in here compared to the central air. The regular AC keeps it at about 50% humidity, but with these portable units, it’s between 60-70%.

Unsurprisingly, Tom hasn’t found any indication that my insurance plan covers mouthguards for sleep apnea. What’s the point of having insurance if it doesn’t cover important things? Now I’m faced with a decision—should I make an appointment with the pulmonologist and give CPAP another go, or wait and hope I get a new plan that covers mouthguards in a few months?

Toni made me laugh the other day. I shared a post about a potential storm brewing in the Atlantic. At this point, I cringe every time I hear about a possible storm. She told me not to worry every time something stirs up out in the ocean. I joked back that it was funny she said that because I was just thinking how she’s been like a mother, trying to keep me calm during the last storm.

I had a shitty dream last night—another one of the classics. Not the giant spiders that grow wings or the one where I lose my purse, but the one where the freeloaders return to haunt me. Somehow, they managed to get another six months on me. I don’t know why or how they pulled it off, but instead of being taken straight to jail from court, I had a little time outside. While Tom was trying to reassure me everything would be okay, I was terrified, knowing it might very well be a death sentence with how long it takes to get your medication.
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