Cooler in 2020s

  • Oct. 14, 2024, 11:57 a.m.
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We’re finally getting lows in the 60s, and next week might even dip into the 50s. One downside to returning to the desert is dealing with hotter summers and colder winters, but it’ll be worth it. Still not sure if we’ll be able to pull it off, though. We’ve set a five-year deadline, and if we’re still here in 2030, this place will have been our longest stay. Tom will be in his early 70s then, and unless a hurricane demolishes it, we’ll probably live out the rest of our lives here. Yes, I hate it when the snowbirds return, but I’ll at least enjoy it when they leave.

Walmart still isn’t delivering, so Tom went just before 7:00 a.m., and it was a nightmare. He said it felt like a zombie apocalypse—tons of cars lined up, the store jam-packed, and this was early morning. Half the shelves were empty, and it was chaos. He’d rather pay more and shop at Publix like a normal human being where it’s not a madhouse. He said there were only a few loaves of bread left, and they were torn.

His tinnitus has been acting up lately, but we’re not sure why.

I can’t figure out why my bangs are growing so slowly. The rest of my hair is growing but my bangs are taking forever to grow out long enough to pull back.

I hope my crown getting ready to fall out again, because sometimes when I bite down, it feels a little funny.

I have what should be my final CVS order on its way, thanks to my free quarterly benefits. It’s just basic stuff like pain relievers and anti-itch cream.

I’m also getting another patterns coloring book. I think I like coloring patterns the most because there are no rules. Sure, anyone can color an apple any color they want, but it still feels weird to color one blue or purple. When I think of apples, I think red or green.

I love that Google Docs added tabs! Now instead of dumping a whole story into one long doc like Word, I can organize each chapter into its own tab—kind of like how Prosebox does books with multiple posts representing each chapter.

Lately, I’ve been trying to organize my files better. I’ve got notes and docs scattered all over—Outlook Notes, Google Docs, blogs, Word, etc.—so I’m grouping things to make them easier to find.
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